
Governor Polis Adds Montrose County to Disaster Emergency Due to Flooding and Debris Flow

Government and Politics

February 7, 2025

From: Colorado Governor Jared Polis

DENVER - On February 7, 2025, Governor Polis amended a 2024 Executive Order concerning the disaster emergency for flooding and debris flow in Ouray County to include Montrose County.

The same storm system that impacted Ouray County also damaged a bridge in Montrose County carrying CO 141 over the Dolores River. The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) is working to repair the bridge before spring runoff to prevent a closure that could cause a four hour detour, impacting the residents of Norwood, Nucla, and Naturita. The amendment to the Executive Order will assist CDOT with securing federal funding to repair the bridge.

Here is the updated Executive Order.