
Greater Beverly Chamber of Commerce News - May 16, 2023

Clubs and Organizations

May 17, 2023

From: Greater Beverly Chamber of Commerce

The Institution for Savings Invites
Area Professionals!

Volunteer at the
13th Annual Credit for Life Fair

Masconomet Regional High School
Tuesday, May 23

This annual event hosts 1,000 high school juniors from across the North Shore as they play the roles of 25-year-old adults and ‘spend’ their monthly ‘salaries’ on everything they need.

Volunteers will staff booths as part of the students’ journey to manage everything from housing, furniture and utilities to lifestyle, transportation, wellness and more.

Check out last year’s video to learn more.

Join as a volunteer at this fun and interactive event. Make it a teambuilding opportunity and recruit a colleague or group from your
business to volunteer.

Contact [email protected]  to sign up or learn more.

Participating high schools: Amesbury, Newburyport, Triton, Pentucket, Ipswich, Hamilton-Wenham, Georgetown,
Manchester-Essex, Masconomet, Beverly, Swampscott,
Gloucester, and Rockport High Schools.