
Hollister House Garden: What's In Bloom - July 4, 2023

Arts and Entertainment

July 6, 2023

From: Hollister House Garden

What's in Bloom

Iris ensata ‘Praise’ along the Cobble Walk

Nymphaea ‘Texas Dawn’ in the Reflecting Pool

Papaver somniferum opening in the Double Border

Echinacea paradox in the Kitchen Garden

Onopordum acanthium on the Main Lawn

First Friday

July 7, 2023

6 - 8 pm

As the light fades and day turns into evening enjoy the company of friends and neighbors and see the garden in a different light.

Reservations are not required.

$10 per person (includes a glass of wine)


Wednesdays 9 - 1 artists and photographers

Wednesdays 1- 4

Thursdays 5 - 7

Fridays 1 - 4

Saturdays 10 - 4

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