Arts and Entertainment
January 31, 2025
From: Icicle Creek Center for the ArtsCOMING UP
March 15th & 16th 7:30 pm
Join us at the Snowy Owl for this amazing performance by one of our all time favorite visiting artists! TaikoProject’s powerful drumming unites ancient Japanese tradition with 21st-century American innovation, creating a riot of movement and thundering rhythm.
Beginning Guitar
Tuesdays February 25th to March 25th 6-7 pm
Learn guitar fundamentals and basics with Domingo Gonzalez in this beginning group guitar class. This 5 part class will be meet in the Snowy Owl Theater every Tuesday from February 25th to March 25th from 6-7pm.
Vocal Improvisation
Mondays March 3rd to March 24th 6-7 pm
Beginning vocal improvisation with Rhia Foster is a 4-part series of classes that will take singers through the building blocks of vocal improvisation. Learn to build your musical vocabulary, explore harmonic progressions play with rhythm, and more. Classes will be held in Canyon Wren on Mondays from March 3rd to 24th.