Arts and Entertainment
March 25, 2023
From: Internal Spirit Holistic FairSpeakers, Psychics, Animal Communicator, Crystal Gems, Jewelry, Aura Photos, an Astrologist & much more!
Friday, May 12, 2023
4: PM Deb Hennen, "Communicating with Your Pet!"
5: PM Angelita Lopez Pritchett,"Living for your Highest Self!"
6: PM Michaela Turner, PsyD., "Mindfulness and Intuition!"
7: PM Tim Riley, "Connecting with Your Angels and Spirit Guides!"
Saturday, May 13, 2023
10: AM Laurel Clark, "Discover Your Intuitive Gifts!"
11:AM Nancy Ortinau, " The Magic of Growing Organic Food In Your Home!"
12:PM Jean Walters, "Be Your Own Psychic!"
1:PM BuckyMan Medium, "Psychic/Medium Gallery & Discussion!"
2:PM Jennifer Rogers, Jennifer Rogers, "Mantras and Mindfulness!"
3:PM Astrologer Eric Rosen, "Collective Astrology Horoscope:
A look ahead for what we are in for the rest of 2023!"
4:PM Steve Thomas, "Art: The Sea of Expression!"
5:PM George Thompson, "How to Connect Energetically with God!"
Date: May 12 & 13, 2023
Friday 3 pm to 8 pm
Saturday 10 am to 7 pm
Machinists' Hall
12365 St Charles Rock Road
Bridgeton, MO 63044
Free gift bag to the first 50 Guests per day
Click here for more information