
July Calendar of Events: White Memorial Conservation Center

Clubs and Organizations

May 27, 2023

From: White Memorial Conservation Center

June 29 – July 5

Museum Children Free Week

In Honor of Louise W. Willson. Free admission to children ages twelve and under when accompanied by an adult.

July 1

A Stroll through Slab Meadow with Gerri Griswold

This beautiful parcel, acquired by the White Memorial Foundation in 2015,  is peppered with vernal pools and features a beautiful overlook onto a marsh. Have your eyes and ears at the ready for frogs including green frogs, gray tree frogs, and bull frogs. The oak stands promise to produce an abundance of bird life like Red-eyed Vireos. 10:00 A.M., Meet in front of the A. B.Ceder Room and we’ll caravan over to the trailhead together. FREE… Donations will be accepted to help defray the Conservation Center’s programming expenses.

July 4

Independence Day

Offices and Museum Closed

July 5

Yoga in the Garden ~ A Morning Sadhana at White Memorial Conservation Center

In the garden behind the White Memorial Museum, we will practice gentle, Vinyasa yoga as we listen to the birds, feel the morning breezes, and celebrate the warmth of the summer sun. Class will be followed by a brief guided meditation for those who would like to participate. This is an all levels, all ages program and requires no prior yoga or meditation experience! Recent studies have shown the benefits of yoga, which include stress reduction, improvement in strength, flexibility, and balance.

Please bring a mat and water (sunscreen/bug repellant if desired). Each class is $10 (with $1 of each going to White Memorial). Come to one, several, or all! For information and to check in event of rain, please call 860-309-9489 for more information.

COVID/PAYMENT PROTOCOL:  Please do not attend class if you aren’t feeling well. Payment may be exchanged without touch through Venmo. Other forms of payment include cash, check, and credit card. The teacher may not have change, so please bring exact amount.

About Our Facilitator: Barbara Putnam RYT-500 has practiced meditation since 1972 and yoga since 1986.  She's been teaching yoga since 2015.  Her classes emphasize mindful attention to the subtle effects of the poses on body, mind, and spirit.  A retired architect, Barbara designed and directed the construction of the Wisdom House Labyrinth. Her years as an organic market gardener attuned her to working within the cycles of nature.  As a teacher, she seeks to support her students' awareness of the natural flows of energy.

July 6
Ages 3-6 years

Nature’s Nursery Series
Join us on the first Thursday of each month from May-August for an hour-long program designed just for your young nature lovers. Every session will include a story, an encounter with a live animal, and an activity or craft. Parents/Caregivers, we ask that you stay for the duration of the program. Meet in the A.B. Ceder Room. 4-5pm. Advanced registration is required. To register, please call 860-567-0857 or visit whitememorialcc.org. Space is limited. Please inquire about financial aid as needed. Members: $9/child per session or $30/whole series, Non-Members: $13/child per session or $50/whole series

July 6 – 12

Museum Children Free Week

Courtesy of the J. Denis O’Toole Family Honoring Helen Ryan Donnelly. Free admission to children ages twelve and under when accompanied by an adult.

July 8

Things That Go Bump in the Night

Join Gerri Griswold for a night walk. Learn to identify those insect, owl, and frog voices that lend such beautiful ambience to a summer evening. Watch for beavers at Little Left and LISTEN to bats (with a sonar detector of course!) 8:00 P.M., Meet in front of the A.B. Ceder Room, The hike is FREE but you must pre-register by calling 860-567-0857 or register online: www.whitememorialcc.org

July 12

Yoga in the Garden ~ A Morning Sadhana at White Memorial Conservation Center

In the garden behind the White Memorial Museum, we will practice gentle, Vinyasa yoga as we listen to the birds, feel the morning breezes, and celebrate the warmth of the summer sun. Class will be followed by a brief guided meditation for those who would like to participate. This is an all levels, all ages program and requires no prior yoga or meditation experience! Recent studies have shown the benefits of yoga, which include stress reduction, improvement in strength, flexibility, and balance.

Please bring a mat and water (sunscreen/bug repellant if desired). Each class is $10 (with $1 of each going to White Memorial). Come to one, several, or all! For information and to check in event of rain, please call 860-309-9489 for more information.

COVID/PAYMENT PROTOCOL:  Please do not attend class if you aren’t feeling well. Payment may be exchanged without touch through Venmo. Other forms of payment include cash, check, and credit card. The teacher may not have change, so please bring exact amount.

About Our Facilitator: Barbara Putnam RYT-500 has practiced meditation since 1972 and yoga since 1986.  She's been teaching yoga since 2015.  Her classes emphasize mindful attention to the subtle effects of the poses on body, mind, and spirit.  A retired architect, Barbara designed and directed the construction of the Wisdom House Labyrinth. Her years as an organic market gardener attuned her to working within the cycles of nature.  As a teacher, she seeks to support her students' awareness of the natural flows of energy.

July 13

Tree Identification Walk with Mike Berry and Jody Bronson

White Memorial Foundation Forest Manager, Mike Berry and Legendary Forester, Jody Bronson take you on a walk to help you properly identify some of the tree species that call our 4000-acre Sanctuary their home. Learn how to identify bark, foliage, and other secrets that only two foresters and their subjects can divulge! 10:00 a.m. Meet in the Museum. FREE…Donations will be accepted to help defray the Conservation Center’s programming expenses.

July 15

Britain’s Treasure Islands: A Journey to the UK Overseas Territories with Stewart McPherson

Stewart is back! This time our favorite intrepid traveler is taking us on a voyage to a number of Britain’s overseas territories! Chill with penguins in the Falkland Islands, wander the most remote populated island in the world, Tristan da Cunha to meet Yellow-billed Albatrosses. Bask in the sun of the British islands of the Caribbean and meet some of their most vulnerable wildlife. Learn what you can do to stop the spread of the invasive Lion Fish in the Cayman Islands. Never a dull moment with Stew! 2:00 p.m., ZOOM, Members: FREE, Non-Members: $10.00. Pre-registration is required. Call 860-567-0857 or register online: www.whitememorialcc.org. A link to the presentation will be emailed to you on July 14.

July 15

The 13th Annual Celebration for the Bats!
Help Gerri Griswold celebrate over three decades crusading for Bats, our planet’s most extraordinary creature! Our festivities begin with bat-themed cupcakes and lemonade in the Activity Shed and a bat chat with Gerri Griswold and her bat AmBATsador, Betty, a Big Brown Bat in the A. B. Ceder Room. Learn about our BAT’S COUNT! Bat Cam project in partnership with the CT DEEP! Then, as darkness sets in, we’ll count our bat colony as it emerges from the Green Barn! 7:00 p.m. FREE but you MUST pre-register by calling 860-567-0857 or by registering online at www.whitememorialcc.org  A suggested donation of $5.00 per person would be greatly appreciated to help defray the Conservation Center’s programming expenses

July 19

Yoga in the Garden ~ A Morning Sadhana at White Memorial Conservation Center

In the garden behind the White Memorial Museum, we will practice gentle, Vinyasa yoga as we listen to the birds, feel the morning breezes, and celebrate the warmth of the summer sun. Class will be followed by a brief guided meditation for those who would like to participate. This is an all levels, all ages program and requires no prior yoga or meditation experience! Recent studies have shown the benefits of yoga, which include stress reduction, improvement in strength, flexibility, and balance.

Please bring a mat and water (sunscreen/bug repellant if desired). Each class is $10 (with $1 of each going to White Memorial). Come to one, several, or all! For information and to check in event of rain, please call 860-309-9489 for more information.

COVID/PAYMENT PROTOCOL:  Please do not attend class if you aren’t feeling well. Payment may be exchanged without touch through Venmo. Other forms of payment include cash, check, and credit card. The teacher may not have change, so please bring exact amount.

About Our Facilitator: Barbara Putnam RYT-500 has practiced meditation since 1972 and yoga since 1986.  She's been teaching yoga since 2015.  Her classes emphasize mindful attention to the subtle effects of the poses on body, mind, and spirit.  A retired architect, Barbara designed and directed the construction of the Wisdom House Labyrinth. Her years as an organic market gardener attuned her to working within the cycles of nature.  As a teacher, she seeks to support her students' awareness of the natural flows of energy.

July 20

Babies in Backpacks with Kelly Orr

For Ages 6 months to 2 years!

Come and explore the great outdoors in a way that your child can get excited about! The third Thursday of every month we will enjoy a hike with your child in a babywearing carrier or follow their pace if they are mobile.  There will only be expectations of exploring the world around us, not of a mile mark or speed.  Depending on the energy level of the group we will use our bodies to move in nature for 30 minutes, followed by an activity.  We will read books about the outdoors, enjoy touch and feel stations, use sand and water bins and more! This will be a year-round program. The goal is to encourage family time outdoors in all seasons.  We will still play outside in rain, snow, heat, and cold.  Unsafe weather will push us indoors.  Plan to get a little dirty, and come with weather appropriate clothing, sunscreen and bug spray as needed.  Caretakers must stay for the duration of the program. Please park in the horse trailer parking and meet in the Pollinator Garden.  

10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m., Members: $9/child per session or $30/whole series, Non-Members: $13/child per session or $50/whole series Pre-registration is required by calling 860-567-0857 or register online here: www.whitememorialcc.org  Space is limited. Please inquire about financial aid as needed.

July 20 – 26

Museum Children Free Week

In Memory of John Howard from his Family and Friends. Free admission to children ages twelve and under when accompanied by an adult.

July 21


This astronomy program is organized by members of the Litchfield Hills Amateur Astronomy Club and the Mattatuck Astronomical Society. Weather permitting, there will be star gazing after the program. 8:00 p.m., A. B. Ceder Room. Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. You are invited to bring your own telescope or binoculars. FREE… Donations will be accepted to help defray the Conservation Center’s programming expenses.

 July 22

Discovering Moths: Nightime Jewels in Your Own Backyard…Book Signing, Talk, and Mini-Moth Bioblitz with John Himmelman

Meet the beautiful, fascinating, and underappreciated cousins of the butterflies...

Chances are that hundreds of species of moths live just outside your door.  Moths show an amazing variety of color, shape, and behavior, but since most (though by no means all) of them are active at night, we often simply overlook them.  In Discovering Moths, John Himmelman opens our eyes, showing how moths are every bit as fascinating as the birds and butterflies that brighten our daylight hours.

You’ll learn about moths' intricate life cycle, their importance in nature, and how just a handful of the world's moth species are truly pests to humans. How you can attract moths with lights and sugar bait, when and where to observe them, how to raise them, and even how to photograph these tiny subjects.

Rounding out this introduction to a wonderfully rewarding pastime is the opportunity to purchase John’s new book just chock full of superb illustrations and more than 90 photographs that speak volumes about why more and more people are discovering the delights of "mothing.” The evening ends with a mini-moth bioblitz where you can help collect and identify the species of moths we have at White Memorial.

About Our Speaker: John Himmelman is the author of numerous books and articles on nature subjects.  A cofounder of the Connecticut Butterfly Association, he has lectured and led field trips throughout the US.  "My interest in moths probably evolved along with my tendency to stay up at night," he says.  "The fact that I could find hundreds of different kinds in my own yard, and that I find their form, function, and beauty a marvel, helped make them an obsession."

7:00 p.m., A. B. Ceder Room, Members: $15.00  Non-Members: $25.00, Pre-registration and pre-payment are required. Call 860-567-0857 or register online: www.whitememorialcc.org

July 26

Yoga in the Garden ~ A Morning Sadhana at White Memorial Conservation Center

In the garden behind the White Memorial Museum, we will practice gentle, Vinyasa yoga as we listen to the birds, feel the morning breezes, and celebrate the warmth of the summer sun. Class will be followed by a brief guided meditation for those who would like to participate. This is an all levels, all ages program and requires no prior yoga or meditation experience! Recent studies have shown the benefits of yoga, which include stress reduction, improvement in strength, flexibility, and balance.

Please bring a mat and water (sunscreen/bug repellant if desired). Each class is $10 (with $1 of each going to White Memorial). Come to one, several, or all! For information and to check in event of rain, please call 860-309-9489 for more information.

COVID/PAYMENT PROTOCOL:  Please do not attend class if you aren’t feeling well. Payment may be exchanged without touch through Venmo. Other forms of payment include cash, check, and credit card. The teacher may not have change, so please bring exact amount.

About Our Facilitator: Barbara Putnam RYT-500 has practiced meditation since 1972 and yoga since 1986.  She's been teaching yoga since 2015.  Her classes emphasize mindful attention to the subtle effects of the poses on body, mind, and spirit.  A retired architect, Barbara designed and directed the construction of the Wisdom House Labyrinth. Her years as an organic market gardener attuned her to working within the cycles of nature.  As a teacher, she seeks to support her students' awareness of the natural flows of energy.

July 29

Family Friendly Hike with Kelly Orr

Join Kelly on an easy hike along the trails of our main campus listening for the birds, insects, and amphibians that make such sweet summer sounds! Be on the lookout for turtles and beavers at Ongley Pond. Watch above  for a Great Blue Heron or Turkey Vulture cruising through. Keep your ears open for the calls of cicadas and gray tree frogs! The walk is appropriate for strollers and fun for kids of all ages! 10:00 a.m., Meet in the Museum. FREE… Donations will be accepted to help defray the Conservation Center’s programming expenses.