
Kids and Culture Festival 2023

Arts and Entertainment

September 11, 2023

From: Kids and Culture Festival

The Palmdale Sheriff’s Station’s Youth Activities League (YAL) with the support of the Sheriff’s Youth Foundation, is hosting this FREE event.
- Free Entry
- Vendor Booths
- Non Profit Informational Booths
- Cultural Display Booths
- Cultural Performances
- Children’s Activities
- Food Trucks

Kids will learn about cultures through Music, Art, Dance, Food and Cultural Booths.

Our goal is to have kids learn about differences and cultures beyond their own, so it can help with overcoming and preventing racial and ethnic divisions.

Bring your lawn chairs and plan on spending a day of culture with us.

Any questions, or if you would like a booth application, please contact:
Elena Montgomery at
661 406-4320 or
Aracely Gaytan at
661. 965-8301

Date: September 16, 2023

Time: 10am - 4pm

Poncitlan Square,
38315 9th Street East,
Palmdale, CA 93550

Click Here For More Information