
Lawrence County Fair 2023

Arts and Entertainment

July 26, 2023

From: Lawrence County Fair

We have good things growing across the Fairgrounds.  This year we are excited to announce a Micro Wrestling, Wolves Of The World, the Banana Derby as well as Motor-X Gold Cup Racing, Drag Races and the perennial fan favorite events of Truck and Tractor Pulls, Rodeo and Demolition Derby.  A Pyrotechnico firework show will end our Fair with a bang!  Don’t forget all the classics such as Rides and Games, Great Food and Exhibits.  We are providing great opportunities for Livestock Breeders, Agricultural Exhibitors, Homemakers and 4-H and FFA members to display to the public their products, crafts, clothing, baked goods and animals.

Schedule of Events:

August 14, 2023:

12:00 pm: Opening Ceremony/ Gate Opens
1:00 pm: Goat Island Petting Zoo Opens
9:00 am: Dairy Goat Breed Judging with Boer Goat Show following (Open and Jr.) - Swine Arena
11:00 am: Jr. Dairy Fitting with Showmanship to follow - Livestock Arena
1:30 pm: Banana Derby - Monkey and Dog Races
2:00 pm: Children’s Joke Telling Contest - Dog Pavilion
2:30 pm: Watermelon Eating Contest (All Ages) - Dog Pavilion
2:00 - 4:00 pm:  PSU Master Gardner’s Kid Craft -  Dog Pavilion
3:00 pm: Magic Show by the Magic Man TJ Hill - Dog Pavilion
3:00 pm: Free Pony Rides (all evening) - Courtesy of the LCF Fair Board
3:00 - 8:00 pm: Dunk A JFB Director - near Milking Parlor
4:00 pm: Banana Derby - Monkey and Dog Races
4:00 - 8:00 pm: Dragon Fly Balloon Art and Hula Hooping - near Milking Parlor
5:00 pm: Amusement Rides Begin
5:00 pm: Goat Showmanship and Market Goat Show - Livestock Arena
5:00 pm: Open and Jr. Beef Breeding Judging - Livestock Arena
6:00 pm: Wolves of the World
6:30 pm: Children’s Dress Up Contest - Theme: Everyday Hero
7:00 pm: Banana Derby - Monkey and Dog Races
7:30 pm - TNT Moto-X Gold Cup Series Finale - Grandstand
7:30 pm: Magic Show by the Magic Man TJ Hill - Dog Pavilion
8:00 pm: Wolves of the World
8:00 pm: Lawrence County Pomona Grange Recognition Night - Community Building

August 15, 2023:

9:00 am: Jr. Market Steer Judging/ Beef Showmanship - Livestock Arena
11:00 am: Apple Butter Demonstration -Grange Building
10:00 am: Sheep Breeding Judging - Swine Arena
1:00 pm: Hitchin’ Post Pony Rides Open
1:00 pm: Goat Island Petting Zoo Opens
2:00 pm: Amusement Rides Open
2:00 pm: Banana Derby - Monkey and Dog Races
3:00 - 8:00 pm: Dunk A JFB Director - near Milking Parlor
4:00 pm: Banana Derby - Monkey and Dog Races
4:30 pm: Lamb Showmanship - Livestock Arena
5:00 pm: Magic Show by the Magic Man TJ Hill - Dog Pavilion
6:00 pm: Goat Olympics - Swine Arena
6:00 pm: Wolves of the World
5:00 - 8:00 pm: Dragon Fly Balloon Art and Hula Hooping - near Milking Parlor
6:30 pm: Shenango High School Marching Band - Midway
6:30 pm: Market Lamb Judging - Livestock Arena
6:00 pm: Wolves of the World
7:00 pm: Banana Derby - Monkey and Dog Races
7:00 pm: Lawrence County Community Band - Community Building
7:30 pm: Drag Race presented by KOI Drag Racing - Grandstands
7:30 pm: Magic Show by the Magic Man TJ Hill - Dog Pavilion
8:00 pm: Wolves of the World
8:00 pm: Goat Milk Fudge Auction - Swine Arena

August 16, 2023:

9:00 am: Open and Jr. Dairy Show (Ayrshire, Brown Swiss, Guernsey, Holstein, Jersey and Milking Shorthorn) - Livestock Arena
10:00 am: Rabbit Judging - Swine Arena
1:00 pm: Hitchin’ Post Pony Rides Open
1:00 pm: Goat Island Petting Zoo Opens
2:00 pm: Amusement Rides Open
2:00 pm: Banana Derby - Monkey and Dog Races
3:00 - 8:00 pm: Dunk A JFB Director - near Milking Parlor
4:00 pm: Banana Derby - Monkey and Dog Races
4:30 pm: Magic Show by the Magic Man TJ Hill - Dog Pavilion
5:00 - 9:00 pm- Helicopter Rides by Spiker Helicopter
5:00 - 8:00 pm: Dragon Fly Balloon Art and Hula Hooping - near Milking Parlor
6:00 pm: Wolves of the World
6:00 pm: First U. B. Church Worship Team
6:00 pm: Horse Shoe Pitching Contest - Pitching Pits
6:00 pm: Goat Dress Up Contest - Swine Arena
6:00 pm: Magic Show by the Magic Man TJ Hill - Dog Pavilion
6;30 pm: Cowboy Mounted Shooters -  Horse Arena
6:30 pm: Wilmington High School Marching Band - Midway
7:00 pm: Banana Derby - Monkey and Dog Races
7:00 pm: Cowboy Mounted Shooting Demonstration - Horse Arena
7:30 pm: Corn Hole Tournament - Dog Pavilion - Sponsored by Reed Services
7:30 pm: Mirco Wrestling - Grandstand
8:00 pm: Wolves of the World
8:00 pm: Dairy Delight Night/ Cheese Auction/ Calf Dress Up - Livestock Arena

August 17, 2023:

10:00 am: Apple Butter Demonstration -Grange Building
10:00 am: Poultry Showmanship - Swine Arena
1:00 pm: Hitchin’ Post Pony Rides Open
1:00 pm: Goat Island Petting Zoo Opens
2:00 pm: Amusement Rides Open
2:00 pm: Banana Derby - Monkey and Dog Races
3:00 - 8:00 pm: Dunk A JFB Director - near Milking Parlor
4:00 pm: Banana Derby - Monkey and Dog Races
5:00 - 9:00 pm- Helicopter Rides by Spiker Helicopter
4:00 pm: Swine Showmanship/ Market Hog Show - Livestock Arena
4:00 pm: Children’s Pedal Pull Contest - Dog Pavilion
5:00 pm: Magic Show by the Magic Man TJ Hill - Dog Pavilion
5:00 pm: 8:00 pm: Dragon Fly Balloon Art and Hula Hooping - near Milking Parlor
6:00 pm: Wolves of the World
6:30 pm: Paw Printz 4-H Dog Club Demonstration - Dog Pavilion
6:30 pm: Laurel High School Marching Band - Midway
6:30 pm: Great Gospel Night featured Down East Boys - Community Building
7:00 pm: Banana Derby - Monkey and Dog Races
7:30 pm: Magic Show by the Magic Man TJ Hill - Dog Pavilion
7:30 pm: Truck and Tractor Pulls by PPL and Northwestern PA Truck and Tractor Pullers - Grandstand
8:00 pm: Wolves of the World

August 18, 2023:

9:00 am: Horse Show - Horse Arena
9:00 am: Tractor Driving Contest - Laurel High School
10:00 am: Jr. Livestock Skill-a-Thon - Livestock Arena
1:00 pm: Jr. Dairy Judging Contest - Livestock Arena
1:00 pm: Beef Cattle Fitting Contest - Livestock Arena
1:00 pm: Goat Island Petting Zoo Opens
1:00 pm: Hitchin’ Post Pony Rides Open
2:00 pm: Amusement Rides Open
3:00 pm: Farm Olympics - Dog Pavilion
3:00 - 8:00 pm: Dunk A JFB Director - near Milking Parlor
4:00 pm: Banana Derby - Monkey and Dog Races
4:00 - 9:00 pm- Helicopter Rides by Spiker Helicopter
4:00 pm: Master Showman Contest - Livestock Arena
5:00 pm: Magic Show by the Magic Man TJ Hill - Dog Pavilion
5:00 - 8:00 pm: Dragon Fly Balloon Art and Hula Hooping - near Milking Parlor
6:00 pm: Wolves of the World
6:30 pm: Mohawk High School Marching Band - Midway
7:00 pm: Banana Derby - Monkey and Dog Races
7:30 pm: The Nitty Gritty Church Band - Community Building
7:30 pm: Lead Line Contest - Livestock Arena
7:30 pm: Magic Show by the Magic Man TJ Hill - Dog Pavilion
7:30 pm: Bull Ride Mania - Grandstand
8:00 pm: Wolves of the World
8:30 pm: Banana Derby - Monkey and Dog Races

August 19, 2023:

9:00 am: Antique Tractor Pull - Grandstand (weigh-in starts at 8)
9:00 am: Garden Tractor Pulls - Grandstand (weigh-in starts at 8)
10:00 am: Jr. Livestock Sale - Livestock Arena
12:00 pm - Sunset: Helicopter Rides by Spiker Helicopter
1:00 pm: Hitchin’ Post Pony Rides Open
1:00 pm: Goat Island Petting Zoo Opens
2:00 pm: Amusement Rides Open
2:00 pm: Banana Derby - Monkey and Dog Races
3:00 - 8:00 pm: Dunk A JFB Director - near Milking Parlor
3:30 pm: Magic Show by the Magic Man TJ Hill - Dog Pavilion
4:00 pm: Banana Derby - Monkey and Dog Races
4:00 - 8:00 pm: Dragon Fly Balloon Art and Hula Hooping - near Milking Parlor
5:00 pm: Magic Show by the Magic Man TJ Hill - Dog Pavilion
6:00 pm: Wolves of the World
6:00 pm: LCF Mullet Contest - Community Building
6:30 pm: Grove City High School Marching Band - Midway
7:00 pm: Banana Derby - Monkey and Dog Races
7:30 pm: Magic Show by the Magic Man TJ Hill - Dog Pavilion
7:30 pm: Demolition Derby - Grandstand
8:00 pm: Wolves of the World
Fireworks Grand Finale

Dates: August 14 - 19, 2023


Lawrence County Fairgrounds,
464 Midway Road,
New Castle, PA 16101.

Click here for more information.