Arts and Entertainment
January 12, 2024
From: Longfellow DaysSchedule Of Events:
Longfellow Days 2024 – Anniversaries
Amazing! It's actually the 20th anniversary of Longfellow Days this year, and so we're celebrating with lively programs throughout February - including parties at the beginning and end of the month.
Saturday, February 3, 1:00 PM - Book Launch Party
We are thrilled to announce the publication of Read to Me Some Poems: 20 Years of Longfellow Days Poems from Moon Pie Press, edited by Longfellow Days founder Maryli Tiemann and poet/editor/publisher Alice Persons. You are invited to be part of our festive book launch. There'll be music, readings by the poets, refreshments, and a chance to mingle with and get autographs from writers represented in this new volume.
Unitarian Universalist Church, 1 Middle Street
Sunday, February 4, 1:00 PM - THE Coursen Readings, Part One
Our four-weekend series of poetry readings by Maine writers adds a special honorary element this year. Readers will share their own writing plus that of esteemed poets we have lost since they were Longfellow Days participants themselves. On this first Sunday, former Maine Poet Laureate Betsy Scholl reads Maine's 1st Poet Laureate, Kate Barnes; Bob MacLaughlin reads his own poetry, as well as Herb Coursen's (after whom these Sunday readings were named); and Maryli Tiemann and Frances Nankin read Jerry Day Mason. Refreshments.
Fireplace Room, Curtis Memorial Library
Sunday, February 11, 1:00 PM - The Coursen Readings, Part Two
This week's pairings: Stephen Petroff reads his own poetry and the work of Robert Chute; Marta Finch reads her poems and some by her mother Maggie Finch; and Ellen Taylor reads her own poems and those of Duff Plunkett. Refreshments.
Fireplace Room, Curtis Memorial Library
Tuesday, February 13, 6:30 PM - Parsing A Poem
At this literary and social event, co-sponsored by the Pejepscot History Center, Gary Lawless and John Cross help us explore "Morituri Salutamus," a reflection on youth and age that Longfellow composed for the 50th reunion of his 1825 Bowdoin graduating class (another anniversary!). Refreshments and cash bar.
Pejepscot History Center, 159 Park Row
Thursday, February 15, 2:30 PM - Community Poetry Reading At The Highlands
Local poets David Sloan and Helene McGlauflin will read from their work and host this informal poetry-lovers gathering for the community. Bring your own poems or your favorites written by others. Refreshments.
Georgetown Parlor, Maine Lodge, The Highlands, 30 Governors Way, Topsham
Saturday, February 17, 10:00 and 11:30 AM - Mary and Henry: The Longfellows In Brunswick
This special tour of the Joshua L. Chamberlain Museum, co-sponsored by the Pejepscot History Center, will be led by PHC executive director Larissa Vigue Picard and Gemma Cannon. Gemma, a grief specialist and author of Voices of the Night, has discovered new material about Henry's first wife, Mary, and more than we ever knew about Henry's early writing. The tour through the historic home (where the Longfellows lived decades before the Chamberlains) is 60-75 minutes. Each session is limited to 15 people.
226 Maine Street
Sunday, February 18, 1:00 PM - The Coursen Readings, Part Three
Three more Maine writers read from their own work and pay tribute to another poet: Jim Donnelly for Ted Bookey, Anna Wrobel for Lee Sharkey, and Susan Iverson for her father George Van Deventer. Refreshments.
Fireplace Room, Curtis Memorial Library
Wednesday, February 21, 1:00 PM - Samuel Longfellow And A New Vision Of The Spirit
Henry's younger brother Samuel was a Unitarian minister and hymn writer. During his time in the ministry, he was responsible for some radical changes in Unitarian churches and in hymn writing. What had been to this point a purely Christian-Biblical orientation shifted to encompass spirituality inspired by earth, sea and sky. Our speaker, The Rev. Mark W. Harris, is the minister emeritus of First Parish in Watertown, MA and the author of several books, including Elite: Uncovering Classism in Unitarian Universalist History. This event is part of the Midcoast Senior College's Winter Wisdom program.
Unitarian Universalist Church, 1 Middle Street
Thursday, February 22, 2:30 - COMMUNITY Poetry Reading At Thornton Oaks
Poets David Sloan and Helene McGlauflin will read their own writing and host this informal verse-sharing session for the community. Bring your own poems or your favorites written by others. Refreshments.
Merrymeeting Room, Thornton Oaks, 25 Thornton Way (off Baribeau Drive)
Sunday, February 25, 10:00 AM - A Lyrical Service
Justice and equality are the focus of this ecumenical service, led by Rev. Kharma Amos and with music from Jud Caswell. Visit the Bible that Longfellow signed and donated to his church in 1878.
Unitarian Universalist Church, 1 Middle Street
Sunday, February 25, 1:00 PM - The Coursen Readings, Part Four
Our anniversary tribute to great Maine poets, both current ones and others greatly missed, concludes with Jay Franzel, also reading Henry Braun; Claire Hersom, also reading Susan Pelletier; and Cindy Carney reading poems by Joyce Pye, with an introduction by Joyce's daughter, Jenny Wells. Refreshments.
Fireplace Room, Curtis Memorial Library
Tuesday, February 27, 6:30 PM - Happy Birthday, Henry!
So … we're 20 years old – and Longfellow would be 217 today. It's party time! Ren Bernier hosts our popular poetry open mic, and we encourage you to add your voice. Come share your poem or another's that you appreciate, and enjoy music by Bowdoin College's Longfellows, a capella group and some delicious cakes.
Unitarian Universalist Church, 1 Middle Street
Date: February 3-27, 2024
Unitarian Universalist Church, 1 Middle Street, Brunswick, ME 04011
Curtis Memorial Library, 23 Pleasant Street, Brunswick, ME 04011
Pejepscot Historical Society, 159 Park Row, Brunswick, ME 04011
The Highlands, 30 Governors Way, Topsham, ME 04086
Joshua L. Chamberlain Museum, 226 Maine Street, Brunswick, ME 04011
Thornton Oaks, 25 Thornton Way, Brunswick, ME 04011
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