
Mandel Public Library of West Palm Beach News - June 15, 2023

Schools and Libraries

June 19, 2023

From: West Palm Beach Public Library

Happy Pride Month!
This month, and every month, we celebrate and honor all those in the LGBTQ+ community, now and throughout history! Here at the library, we strive to create a safe and welcoming space for everyone and offer inclusive and diverse materials throughout our collection. We currently have tons of books by and for LGBTQ+ folks that you can access right now with your library card. Browse our collection online or right here in the stacks! You can also ask a librarian for recommendations to help get you started.

Check out hoopla's LGBTQ+ collection

What's New

History of the Pride Wall

On Saturday, June 24, join Rolando Chang Barrero, an American-born artist and graduate of the School of the Art institute of Chicago 1990 as he talks about “The Pajaro Pride Wall Project.” He will discuss how he was able to get artists to help and why it’s so important.

Learn More ›

Read with Pride this June

Read our latest blog post that highlights both our Rainbow Reading List and family-friendly LGBTQ+ activities taking place during Pride on the Block! This annual block party and fundraiser celebrates Pride Month and supports the local LGBTQ+ nonprofit, TRANSPIRE HELP.

Learn More ›

Resume Refresh

On Thursday, June 22, bring your resume and stop-in for a quick review with Sherri Sacks, Certified Professional Resume Writer from Career Connections. Sherri will look over your resume and provide constructive feedback to help you showcase your skills and achievements.

Learn More ›

Teen Mario Mania

On Wednesday, June 21, drop in for a fun afternoon of Mario Kart! Drive your own kart on our giant inflatable racetrack and play Mario Kart on the Nintendo Switch. For teens entering grades 6-12 in August. Space is limited and in-person sign-up begins in TeenSource at 3:30 p.m.

Learn More ›

Did you know?
We have activities planned all summer long for kids, tweens, and teens! Both KidSpace and TeenSource will be full of games, crafts, movie days, cool prizes for Summer Reading, and so much more! There will also be educational opportunities for those who need summer tutoring for math and reading, grades 1-5 and 6-12. And FREE nutritious lunches and snacks are now available throughout the summer for kids and teens ages 18 & under — this amazing service is made possible in partnership with the School District of Palm Beach County and is sponsored by the USDA Summer Food Service Program.

Check out all of our wonderful hands-on and family-friendly programs here at the library and don't forget to log your books for Summer Reading!

Summer Programs

Upcoming Events

Boat Safety: Suddenly in Command
Friday, June 23 | 10 – 11 a.m. | In Person | Clematis Room

Florida has some of the most beautiful waterways in the world but the weather can change in an instant. In addition, challenging situations can arise without notice. Strong tides and rapidly changing weather can conspire to make even the most experienced mariner opt to stay ashore. Are you familiar with on-water emergency communications? Do you know how to handle rough seas, get help in a hurry, or what to do while you wait for help to arrive?

The "Suddenly in Command” course addresses issues that may arise if you encounter situations on the water that require a working knowledge of emergency communications, basic navigation, boat handling, and anchoring, as well as an overview of the items that are legally required to be aboard your boat.

For more information, call (561) 868-7701.

Opera from Page to Stage
Friday, June 23 | 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. | In Person | Auditorium

What does it take to transfer a story from a literary source to the operatic stage? Join Palm Beach Opera as they explain how three composers adapted well-known stories. Compare passages from the original texts to their stunning operatic counterparts in Jacques Offenbach’s The Tales of Hoffmann, Giuseppe Verdi’s Otello, and Benjamin Britten’s The Turn of the Screw. Imagine how your favorite stories might come to life on the opera stage!
For more information, call (561) 868-7701.

Music showcase: Con Brio Duet
Sunday, June 25 | 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. | In Person | Auditorium

Join Con Brio Duet featuring David Pedraza for an afternoon of classical string music.
For more information, call (561) 868-7701.

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