
Meekins Library Children's Programs for National Library Week - April 21, 2023

Schools and Libraries

April 21, 2023

From: Meekins Library

Hello, Williamsburg!

It's National Library Week. Stop in any time this week to celebrate!

A new spring Scavenger Hunt has sprung at Meekins. Find the flowers hidden around the library to solve the riddle and earn a prize!

Up-t0-date information is always available on our website (www.meekins-library.org), and our printable April calendar, which includes  events for adults as well as children, is available now.

Storytime with Rochelle
Tuesdays 10:30 - 11 am
Join Rochelle for fingerplays, songs, picture books, and circle games for preschoolers and their caregivers.
Recommended for ages 0-5.

Board Games: Cooperative
Saturday, April 22nd, 10 am - Noon
Games on offer will include: Forbidden Island, Pandemic, Magic Maze, Just One, and more.
Players of all ages (3-103) are welcome.

Sr. Graphic Novel Book Club (Grades 4 - 6)
Monday, April 24th, 3:15 - 4:15 pm
Check out and read our next selection, Science Comics: The Brain by Tory Woollcott, then join us to discuss the book. Copies of the book are available to pick up at the front desk. Email Naomi at [email protected] for more information or to register.
For grades 4-6. Registration Required. @

Space Ship Lands at Meekins
Saturday, April 29th, 1 pm
James Kitchen's steampunk spaceship sculpture is landing at Meekins Library! Come see the spaceship and enjoy a concert by James Kitchens and the Appliances.
Everyone is welcome.