
Miami County Fair 2023

Arts and Entertainment

July 31, 2023

From: Miami County Fair

Every year in mid-August, the communities in the Miami County and surrounding areas come together to participate in the excitement of the Miami County Fair! Planning is well underway for this year's fair. As information and details are available, more will be placed online.


Wednesday, August 9, 2023

1:00pm: Art/Hort: Open Art/Hort Project Drop Off (including baked goods & refrigerated items.) Ends at 8:00 PM

Thursday, August 10, 2023

8:00am: Office: Secretary’s Office is open. Closes at 8:00 PM.
Art/Hort: Building closed for contest judging.
4:00pm: Poultry: Poultry Check-In Begins for Fancy Poultry, Market Ducks, Market Geese, Market Tom Turkeys, and Market Hen Turkeys. Weigh-ins for Market Ducks, Market Geese, and Market Turkeys (both Toms and Hens) at Poultry Barn. (Ends at 8:00 PM)
5:00pm: MCAS: Deadline to Purchase MCAS Memberships.
Rabbits: Breeding Rabbit Check-Ins at Rabbit Barn (Echo Hills Dog Barn). Ends at 8:00 PM
Swine: Gilt Pen Assignments at Swine Barn. Ends at 9:00 PM
6:00pm: Shop & Crop: Deadline to have all projects in place at Shop & Crop building.
8:00pm: Goats: Deadline to have all goats in their pens.
8:15pm: Goats: Mandatory Barn Meeting at Goat Barn. Immediately followed by Weigh-Ins.
10:00pm: Beef: Deadline to have all Cattle on the grounds.
Sheep: Deadline to have all Sheep in place on the grounds.

Friday , August 11, 2023

12:01am: Swine: Gilts Begin to arrive. Ends at 10:00 AM
6:00am: Goats: Dairy Goats entered in items must be milked out at Goat Barn.
7:00am: Fair Gates: Open. Admission $6. Kids 8 & Under = Free.
Swine: Gilt Pen Assignments at Swine Barn. Ends at 10:00 AM
7:45am: Sheep: Mandatory Barn Meeting at Sheep Show Arena. Followed by Market Lamb weigh-ins/tag-ins.
8:00am: Office: Open. Closes at 8:00 PM.
8:30am: Beef: Jr. Fair Beef Mandatory Meeting at Beef Barn. Followed by Weigh-Ins.
9:00am: Beef: Weigh-Ins: Market Steers & Heifers, Beef Feeder Calves, Dairy Beef Feeders, Jr. Fair Beef Breeding check-ins.
Poultry: Poultry Barn Meeting at Poultry Barn
Rabbit: Mandatory Meeting at Rabbit Barn.
Shop & Crop: Building closed due to FFA Shop & Crop Judging.
10:00am: Art/Hort: Christmas Tree Decorating & Tablescape Set-Up at Merchant Building.
Rabbit: Rabbit Royalty Competition at Rabbit Barn.
Swine: Entries begin for Miami County Born & Raised Open Gilt Show at Swine Barn.
10:30am: Royalty: Miami County Fair Royalty Interviews - 2nd Round at Entertainment Tent.
Swine: Barn Meeting for Sr. Fair Gilt Show at Swine Barn.
11:00am: 4H: Office Hours begin at OSU Extension Booth. Ends at 3:00 PM. Exhibition Buildings Open: Merchant’s Building, Horticulture Hall, Art Hall, & Jr. Fair Building (Duke Lundgard building). Closes at 10:00 PM.
11:45am: Grandstand: Ribbon cutting and rededication.
Noon: Grandstand: Opening Ceremonies.
Horse: Open Horse Speed Show
1:00pm: Royalty: Miami County Fair Royalty Crowning at Grandstand.
4:00pm: Swine: Open Breeding Gilt Show
5:00pm: Rides: Jessup Rides Open on the Midway. Closes at 10:00 PM.
5:30pm: Goats: Jr. Fair Market Kid Goat Show.
6:00pm: Dogs: Dog Royalty Competition followed by Obedience, then Grooming and Showmanship and Rally.
7:00pm: Grandstand: Miami County Rodeo Round-Up 8 Event Rodeo.
11:00pm: Fair Gates: Fair closes.

Saturday, August 12, 2023

7:00am: Fair Gates: Open. Admission $6. Kids 8 & Under = Free.
Rabbits: Market Rabbit Project Weigh-Ins (Meat Pens & Single Fryers) at Rabbit Barn. Ends at 7:45 AM.
8:00am: Office: Open. Closes at 8:00 PM.
8:30am: Beef: Weigh-Ins for Open Dairy Beef Feeder Show.
9:00am: Dogs: Royalty Contest Awards. Followed by Obedience. Followed by Grooming & Showmanship & Rally.
Goats: Jr. Fair Crossbred Doe Kids. Followed by AOB. Followed by Dairy Breeding Goat. Followed by Goat Showmanship. Followed by Born and Raised Show.
Poultry: Jr. Fair Fancy Poultry Show: Large Fowl, Bantam Fowl, Fancy Turkeys, Ducks, Geese, and Guinea.
Rabbits: Jr. Fair Rabbit Show: Market Meat Pens, Market Single Fryers, 6-Class Rabbits, 4-Class Rabbits, and Homegrown Market Show.
10:00am: Swine: Open Class PeeWee & Adult Showmanship. Followed by Miami County Swine Born & Raised Show.
10:30am: Art/Hort: Miami OAGC Fair Horticulture Flower Show Judging at Hort Hall.
11:00am: Exhibition Buildings Open: Merchant’s Building, Horticulture Hall, Art Hall, & Jr. Fair Building (Duke Lundgard building). Closes at 10:00 PM.
Noon: 4H: Jr. Foods & Nutrition Revue at Entertainment Tent.
Office: Deadline to pick up 2023 Parking Passes.
12:30pm: 4H: Senior 4H Foods Nutrition Revue at Duke Lundgard Building.
1:00pm: Art/Hort: Public viewing of Miami OAGC Fair Horticulture Flower Show at Hort Hall.
Rides: Jessup Rides - Session 1 opens on the Midway. Closes at 5:00 PM.
1:15pm: 4H: Jr. Arts & Miscellaneous Project Reviews at Duke Lundgard Building.
1:45pm: 4H: Followed by Senior 4H Arts & Miscellaneous Project Reviews at Duke Lundgard Building.
2:30pm: 4H: Junior 4H Clothing Revue at Duke Lundgard Building.
3:00pm: 4H: Senior 4H Clothing Revue at Duke Lundgard Building.
4:00pm: 4H: 4H at 4 OSU Extension Program at Duke Lundgard Building.
Beef: Open Dairy Beef Feeder Show. Followed by MC Born & Raised Dairy Feeder Steers. Followed by Beef
Feeder Calves. Followed by MC Born & Raised Beef Feeder Calves. Followed by Jr. Fair Market Steer, Market
Heifer, and Dairy Steers. Followed by MC Born & Raised Market Steer, Market Heifer, and Dairy Steers.
5:00pm: Horse: Deadline for Horse Height Changes.
6:00pm: 4H: Alumni Camp Reunion at Duke Lundgard building.
Grandstand: OMTPA/COTPA Tractor Pulls.
Rides: Jessup Rides - Session 2 opens on the Midway. Closes at 10:00 PM.
9:00pm: Swine: Deadline to have Gilts removed from the grounds.
10:00pm: Swine: Arrival Time for Barrows and must be on the grounds by 9:00am: Sunday.
11:00pm: Fair Gates: Fair closes.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

12:01am: Swine: Jr. Fair Market Barrows may begin arriving at Swine Barn. Ends at 9:00 AM.
7:00am: Fair: Opens. Veteran’s & First Responders Day. Veterans, First Responders, and their spouses get in free with proper ID.
8:00am: Office: Open. Closes at 8:00 PM.
Sheep: Deadline to have Open Sheep Breeding animals on the grounds.
8:30am: Sheep: Guys & Gals Lead In Sheep Show at Sheep Barn.
9:00am: Horse: Miami County Fair Open Horse Show at Horse Arena.
Poultry: Jr. Fair Market Ducks, Market Tom Turkeys, Market Hen Turkeys, Market Geese at Poultry Barn.
Poultry Showmanship to follow immediately after.
Rabbits: Open Youth-Only Show Sponsored by the Miami County Rabbit Advisors at Rabbit Barn.
Sheep: Open Sheep Breeding Show
Swine: All Barrows must be on the grounds.
9:30am: Beef: Registration begins for Open Class Beef Breeding Show.
Entertainment Tent: Worship Service via Cove Spring Church
9:45am: Swine: Mandatory Swine Barn meeting at Swine Barn.
10:00am: Swine: Barrow Weigh-Ins begin.
11:00am: Exhibition Buildings Open: Merchant’s Building, Horticulture Hall, Art Hall, & Jr. Fair Building (Duke Lundgard building). Closes at 10:00 PM.
Noon Beef: Open Beef Breeding Show. Followed by Born & Raised Show Beef Breeding. Followed by Jr. Fair Beef Showmanship. Followed by PeeWee and Adult Showmanship. at Cattle Show Arena.
1:00pm: Corn Hole Tournament via Troy Horse Shoe Club at Kenny’s Kourts (Troy Horseshoe Club Pitching Area).
Entertainment Tent: Gospel Fest: Cove Spring, Crazy for Christ, The Morse Family Gospel Singers, and Lonnie & Shari Hamilton.
Rides: Jessup Rides - Session 1 opens on the Midway. Closes at 5:00 PM.
2:00pm: 4H: Still Project judging Awards Ceremony at Duke Lundgard Building.
Grandstand: Miami County Fair Veterans Ceremony
6:00pm: Poultry: Release of Market Tom Turkeys, Market Hen Turkeys, Market Ducks, Market Geese, and Fancy Poultry projects except Grand & Reserve Grand Champions.
Rides: Jessup Rides - Session 2 opens on the Midway. Closes at 10:00 PM.
7:00pm: Grandstand: Miami County Fair Kid’s Livestock Scramble
8:00pm: Grandstand: Julia Nevels in concert underneath Grandstand.
11:00pm: Fair Gates: Fair closes.

Monday, August 14, 2023

7:00am: Fair: Opens. Kid’s Day! 1 parent admitted for free with a child under the age of 10.
8:00am: Horse: Jr. Fair Questionable Horse Height Measuring at Horse Show Arena. Ends at 8:30 AM.
Office: Open. Closes at 8:00 PM.
9:00am: Horse: Western Day: Ranch Showmanship, Ranch Riding, Horsemanship, Ranch Horsemanship, Gaited
Western Horsemanship, Ranch Pleasure, Western Pleasure, and Reigning.
Kid’s Day Presented by Edison State Community College. Ends at 1:00 PM.
Sheep: Jr. Fair Market 4H or FFA Lamb Show. Followed by Jr. Fair Sheep Breeding. at Sheep Show Arena.
9:30am: Swine: Deadline to enter for Jr. Swine Showmanship
10:00am: Rabbit: Buddy Ganger Outstanding Rabbit Exhibitor written test at Rabbit Barn
11:00am: 4H: Office Hours begin at OSU Extension Booth. Ends at 3:00 PM.
Exhibition Buildings Open: Merchant’s Building, Horticulture Hall, Art Hall, & Jr. Fair Building (Duke Lundgard building). Closes at 10:00 PM.
Swine: Jr. Swine Showmanship begins with the Senior Division down through the Junior Division. Followed by Swine Fun Day at Swine Barn Show Ring. All 4H and FFA kids are welcome.
1:00pm: Grandstand: Kiddie Tractor Pull
Grandstand: (underneath)Chef’s Contest - Hamburgers. Ages 10-17. (Must pre-register at Miami County Extension Office.)
Rides: Jessup Rides - Session 1 opens on the Midway. Closes at 5:00 PM.
2:00pm: MCAS: Miami County Agricultural Society Election of Officers at Duke Lundgard building. Ends at 7:00 PM.
4:00pm: 4H: 4H at 4 OSU Extension Program at Duke Lundgard Building.
Beef: Jr. Fair Dairy Feeder Steer Show. Followed by Jr. Fair Dairy Market Steer Show. Followed by Jr. Fair Beef Feeder Calf Show at Cattle Show Arena.
Poultry: Jr. Fair Market Chicken & Hatched & Raised Check-Ins / Weigh-Ins at Poultry Barn.
6:00pm: Rides: Jessup Rides - Session 2 opens on the Midway. Closes at 10:00 PM.
6:30pm: Grandstand: Harness Racing.
7:00pm: Beef: Jr. Fair Market Steer & Heifer Show at Cattle Arena..
8:00pm: Poultry: All Market chickens must be in place in the Poultry Barn.
8:05pm: Poultry: Poultry Barn Meeting at Poultry Barn.
11:00pm: Fair Gates: Fair closes.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

7:00am: Fair: Opens.
8:00am: Horse: Jr. Fair Questionable Horse Height Measuring at Horse Show Arena. Ends at 8:30 AM.
Office: Open. Closes at 8:00 PM.
9:00am: Horse: English Day: Saddle & Hunt Seat Showmanship, Small Equine, Gaited English Pleasure, Hunter Under Saddle, East Gaited English Equitation, Hunt Seat Equitation, and Versatility at Horse Show Arena.
Poultry: Jr. Fair Market Chicken Show at Poultry Barn. Hatched & Raised Show to follow immediately after.
Sheep: Miami County born & Raised Sheep Show. Followed by Jr. Fair Sheep Showmanship. Followed by
PeeWee and Adult Showmanship. at Sheep Show Arena.
10: 00am: Art/Hort: Miami OAGC Fair Artistic Flower show Judging at Hort Building.
Dairy: Jr. Fair Dairy Cattle Show. Followed by Jr. Fair Dairy Junior and PeeWee Showmanship. at Cattle Show Arena.
Grandstand: (underneath)Chef’s Contest - Pancakes. Ages 10-17. (Must pre-register at Miami County Extension Office.)
11:00am: 4H: Office Hours begin at OSU Extension Booth. Ends at 3:00 PM.
Exhibition Buildings Open: Merchant’s Building, Horticulture Hall, Art Hall, & Jr. Fair Building (Duke Lundgard building). Closes at 10:00 PM.
1:00pm: Art/Hort: Miami OAGC Fair Horticulture Artistic Show - Public Viewing at Hort Building.
3:00pm: Swine: Jr. Fair Market Barrow Show at Swine Barn Show Arena.
4:00pm: 4H: 4H at 4 OSU Extension Program at Duke Lundgard Building.
5:00pm: Rabbits: Jr. Fair Cavy Show with Jr. Fair Rabbit Showmanship to follow immediately after. at Rabbit Barn.
6:00pm: Rides: Jessup Rides - Opens on the Midway. Closes at 10:00 PM.
6:30pm: Grandstand: Harness Racing.
11:00pm: Fair Gates: Fair closes.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

7:00am: Fair: Opens. Senior Citizen’s Day. Free admission for all those 65 and older.
8:00am: FFA: Jr. Fair Livestock Judging Contest at Sheep Show Arena.
Horse: Jr. Fair Questionable Horse Height Measuring at Horse Show Arena. Ends at 8:30 AM.
Office: Open. Closes at 8:00 PM.
9:00am: Horse: Single Run Events: Train in Hand, Trail, Ground Roving, Driving, Barrels, Poles, Stakes Race, Cones & Barrels, KeyHole Race, Speed & Control, and Costume Class.
9:00am: King of the Ring Competition at Goat Barn Show Arena.
10:00am: 4H: Cloverbud Show & Tell. Followed by Cloverbud Graduation at Duke Lundgard Building.
Rabbits: Rabbit Costume Contest.
Swine: Miami County Born & Raised Barrow Show.
11:00am: 4H: Office Hours begin at OSU Extension Booth. Ends at 3:00 PM.
50 Year Wedding Anniversary Photo at Hort building.
Exhibition Buildings Open: Merchant’s Building, Horticulture Hall, Art Hall, & Jr. Fair Building (Duke Lundgard building). Closes at 10:00 PM.
Noon: FFA: Jr. Fair Livestock Judge Awards at Sheep Show Arena.
Senior Citizens: Luncheon at Entertainment Tent.
1:00pm: Beef: Beef Fun Day!
7:00pm: Grandstand: Smash-It Demolition Derby
8:00pm: Jr. Fair Dance at Pence Pavillion (Beside Horse Arena)
11:00pm: Fair Gates: Fair closes.

Thursday, August 17, 2023

7:00am: Fair: Opens. Kid’s Day! 1 parent admitted for free with a child under the age of 10.
8:00am: Office: Open. Closes at 8:00 PM.
9:00am: Sale of Champions (Goat Barn - Sale Arena)
Market Animal Exhibitor Premium Auction to immediately follow the Sale of Champions.
2023 Auction Order
1. Barrows
2. Single Market Rabbit
3. Pen of Market Rabbits
4. Pen of Market Chickens
5. Single Market Duck
6. Single Market Turkey
7. Single Market Goose
8. Single Market Lamb
9. Market Goats
10. Dairy Feeder Steers
11. Dairy Steers
12. Beef Feeders
13. Market Steers/Heifers
Release of Animals. No animals are to be released until the auction is over. Please see the “Release of Animals” section in the Fairbook for more information.
11:00am: 4H: Office Hours begin at OSU Extension Booth. Ends at 3:00 PM.
Exhibition Buildings Open: Merchant’s Building, Horticulture Hall, Art Hall, & Jr. Fair Building (Duke Lundgard building). Closes at 10:00 PM.
6:00pm: Rides: Jessup Rides - Opens on the Midway. Closes at 10:00 PM.
7:00pm: Grandstand: Monster Trucks
11:00pm: Fair Gates: Fair closes.

Friday, August 18, 2023

All Day Campers: 2023 Miami County Fair Campers are released. Dump Station is Open.
9:00am: Office: Opens. Closes at 5:00 PM.
5:00pm: Vouchers: Deadline to redeem all vouchers. Must redeem at Miami County Fair Secretary’s Office

Date: August 11 - 17, 2023

Location: Miami County Fairgrounds, 650 North County Road 25-A
Troy, OH 45373.

Click Here for More Information