Schools and Libraries
May 3, 2023
It's that time of the year again. Our staff are excitedly preparing activities for our annual Summer Reading Program. This year the theme is "All Together Now" and we are looking forward to spending time with all of you!
While the program is open to all ages it is especially important for our school-age students. Summer is the time that they may indulge in reading for the pure joy of it! This reading not only expands their horizons but also builds the skills that will help them be successful throughout the school year.
Participation in your public library's summer reading program has been proven to help students retain more of their lessons and be better prepared for the year ahead. Summers at your local library are all of the best things: good for you, entertaining, and FREE!!
Literacy is a culture. Let the young people in your life see you reading. Show them it is a skill that you value. Whether it is a magazine, bestseller, old classic, or a cookbook; reading counts!
Registration begins May 22 and the program will run from June 5 - July 29.
You can sign up in person at your local library or through the Beanstack app. Paper reading logs are also available at your local library or you can log your reading in Beanstack. This year's reading goal is 25 hours. Last year as a region we read for over 1.7 million minutes, a 40% increase from minutes read in 2021. We challenge you to help us reach 2 million this summer!
The Friends of the Library Macon's annual Spring Book Sale will be May 5 - 6 at the Round Building in Carolyn Crayton Park (formerly Central City Park) in Macon, GA from 10 AM - 7 PM.
Browse thousands of gently-used and like-new books in more than 40 categories. Paperbacks are $1. Hardbacks are $2. Children's and Teens' books are $1.
Cash, checks, credit, and debit cards are accepted payments. All proceeds support the public libraries of Macon-Bibb County.
Anyone interested in becoming a member of the Friends of the Library is more than welcome to join at the sale! Membership is $25 ($10 for students).
See you there!
How to register for Summer Reading
Visit your local library and sign up in person or use Beanstack to register online.
Kick-off events will be held
June 5 - June 10.
Our Summer Reading Program Guide lists programming events happening at each library in our system. It will be available towards the end of the month.
How does Beanstack work?
- Go to or download the app.
- Create a new account or simply sign in to yours
- Join the Summer Reading Challenge and begin adding your books to the reading log
Feel free to ask staff for more help!