Government and Politics
August 9, 2023
From: County of MohaveLydia Durst, Chief Deputy Recorder
Selected to Fill Remainder of Recorder’s Term
MOHAVE COUNTY, AZ (August 7, 2023) --Lydia Durst, Chief Deputy Recorder for the Mohave County Recorder’s Office was selected by the Board of Supervisors at today’s meeting (August 7) to fill the remainder of current Recorder Kristi Blair’s term. Blair is retiring early from the elected position. Durst has also been designated as a Certified Elections/Registration Administrator (CERA) the highest professional achievement for election officials and election vendors in the country.
CERA designation is achieved through a multi-year course of study taught by the Auburn University’s Master in Public Administration (MPA) faculty in partnership with the National Association of Election Officials (commonly known as the Election Center). The intent of the professionalizing the management of elections administration, promoting and preserving public trust in the democratic process.
“Attaining the completion of the CERA curriculum is a milestone to be lauded and celebrated-- the election professionals who reach this goal have much to be proud of.” Tammy Patrick, CEO of Program for Election Center and Class of 2007 CERA graduate. “With the addition of this graduating class of 94 election professionals, we now have 1497 election officials and election vendors who have achieved the CERA status. This is an outstanding accomplishment.”
Joe Gloria, CEO Operations for Election Center and Class of 2015 CERA graduate.says, “Mohave County’s Lydia Durst is now one of the top designated professionals in America. Obtaining and maintaining CERA status means that she has committed to a career long process of continuing education to improve the electoral process in Arizona and the nation,”
The Election Center, a non-profit association of voter registrars, elections administrators and providers of election services throughout America and the U.S Territories. Its membership is comprised of township, city, county and state elections officials and other election related organizations. The Center’s primary purpose is to promote and support continuous improvement in the administration of elections and voter registration through research, professional education, conferences, networking and consulting.
Durst will be the Interim County Recorder until next year’s general election in November and remain in the position until January.