Schools and Libraries
May 5, 2023
From: Newbury Town LibraryWe have an awesome line-up of programs within the next couple of weeks.
As of this email, we still have some spots open!
Antique Appraisal Day
May 6 from 10:30 am-1:30 pm
Registration Suggested
Do you think you might have some antiques or collectibles lying around your house gathering dust when they could be adding to your bank account? If so, grab your favorite treasure (no furniture please) and join Harry Morgan and Jim Kernan of Kaminski Auctions to learn more about them!
More info here....
Register here for the 10:30-11:30 slot, 11:30-12:30 slot or 12:30-1:30
Calling All Weavers, Coopers, Vampers and Wheelwrights: Let’s Explore Your Ancestor’s Occupation
May 10 from 5:45 - 6:45 pm
Registration Required
Exploring your ancestor’s occupation can give you great insights into their daily existence, but how do we go beyond the standard vital records, census records and city directories? Join us to explore and unearth occupational information through local histories, trade publications, old town maps, federal programs, surnames and more.
More info here....
Virtual: Live Spark Joy Program
May 11 from 7:00 - 8:00 pm
Registration Required
A certified KonMari® Consultant & Professional Speaker will be bringing the life-changing magic of tidying to you through her Spark Joy® program.
Felted Soap Workshop
May 13 from 10:30-12:00 pm
Registration Required
Learn the basics of making felted wool soap (soap and washcloth all-in-one). Workshop participants will learn the basics of wet-felting and leave with two bars of finished felted soap.
More info...
Register HERE, limited seats.
Technology Help
May 10 from 3-5pm
Drop In
Get answers to questions about all things technical! Confused by that device that was supposed to change your life? Bring your questions and device to the library. This is a drop-in session with Tomas on a first come, first served basis. Please make sure to bring any passwords you need, charging cables and the device you need assistance with.
More information HERE!
Fiber Fridays
Every Friday at 1:00pm
Drop In
(Formerly Knitting Fridays) Bring your latest project and knit/crochet/embroidery/etc with us on Friday afternoons at 1pm - all levels welcome! Participants bring their own supplies and work on their own projects. This is a great time to connect with other fiber crafters and learn from each other.
More information HERE!
- We will use the library newsletter, website and social media pages (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) to communicate any additional changes in services.
- Got a question? Ask us! Staff is available by email to answer your questions. We will try to respond within 24 hours on our open days.
- The Library at Home is always open at
- WIFI is available in the library parking lot. You can connect even if you aren’t in the building.
- We are open on Saturdays between Labor Day and Memorial Day.