Government and Politics
April 18, 2023
From: City Of CambridgeCambridge, MA - Cambridge City Manager Yi-An Huang is seeking nominations for the 2023 Outstanding City Employee Awards program which recognizes employees for their extraordinary contributions to public service to peers, colleagues, and residents, above and beyond job requirements.
Criteria for determining outstanding performance include:
- Demonstrated strong leadership and a high level of commitment to the city and its residents;
- Demonstrated outstanding customer service to the public and/or fellow employees;
- Developed an innovative or creative solution to a problem;
- Made superior contribution to the success of a project;
- Donated significant time to activities that benefit the Cambridge community;
- Demonstrated an exceptional ability to to advance the city's anti-racism, diversity, equity, and inclusion values;
- Consistently contributed to better city operations.
City employees at all levels of the workforce are eligible for nomination. Anyone who lives or works in Cambridge may nominate one or more city employees for recognition. Individuals may nominate as many employees as they choose, but must submit a separate nomination form for each nominee. An employee may not nominate their direct supervisor or department head.
Link here to the online Employee Recognition Nomination Form. Alternatively, a signed nomination letter can be submitted to the Personnel Department, Cambridge City Hall, 3rd floor, 795 Massachusetts Avenue. It can also be emailed to [email protected].
All nominations are due on Friday, April 28, by 12 p.m.
Employees will be recognized at the Outstanding City Employee Award ceremony on Friday, May 19, at 10 a.m., at Cambridge City Hall, Sullivan Chamber, 795 Massachusetts Avenue.
For more information about the Outstanding City Employee Awards, contact Sheila Keady Rawson at 617-349-4341 or [email protected].