Arts and Entertainment
January 22, 2024
From: One Book, Two Book FestivalAbout the festival
Our community is very supportive of young people. We know who scores the winning touchdown for City High. We celebrate students who make all-state in music for Northwest Junior High. We cheer the top debaters at Regina. But do we know the best young writers in our community?
We should. As a UNESCO City of Literature, we rightly laud the published and soon-to-be published authors among us, but we tend to overlook the most abundant pool of talent in our area: our K-12 schools.
Attend the One Book Two Book Festival on February 24-25 in various location to celebrate children's literature in Iowa City. And be sure to shop The Book Fair at Filmscene at the Chauncey location and stop at The Book End booth for used children's books and a small selection of fiction for caregivers! It is pay as you will donations, though we normally price our children's books at .25 cents at The Book End. The book sale will fun from 10 am to 4 pm.
Our volunteers will be staffing this event, and able to tell you more about The Book End located on the second floor of Iowa City Public Library, along with the Iowa City Public Library Friends Foundation which inspires every member of our community to support the ICPL as a Library user, volunteer, or donor.
February 24
10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Full steam ahead for Lego and BRIO train fun with Dan Daly. Stop in at MERGE on the pedmall and play all day.
Book Fair at One Book Two Book At FilmScene at The Chauncey
10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Join us for a celebration of children’s literature and writing. Books, author readings, writing workshops, film screenings, crafts, costume characters, and more.
Featured Guests: Covenant Family Solutions, Iowa City Public Library, Coralville Public Library, Iowa Youth Writing Project, North Liberty Library, PaperPie, Scattergood Friends School, Sidekick Coffee & Books, The Book End, The Iowa Children’s Museum, Willowwind School, and more.
Hand, Shadow, Rod: The Story of Eulenspiegel Puppet Theatre with Monica Leo At FilmScene at The Chauncey
10:30 am - 11:30 am
Since 1974, Eulenspiegel has toured in thirty-one states and four countries around the world. All along establishing and maintaining an internationally known puppetry center in West Liberty, Iowa. Hand. Shadow, Rod traces the theatre’s history and explores the relationship between work and play, between loss and recovery, and between puppets and puppeteers. It also reflects, first hand, on life and culture between the late 1970s and the present day.
Sing-a-Long At FilmScene at The Chauncey
11:30 am - 12:00 pm
Join the Iowa Children’s Museum for a family fun sing-a-long.
Book Character Meet & Greet At FilmScene at The Chauncey
12:00 pm - 12:30 pm
Bring your camera and snap a picture with Frog & Toad, Clifford, Mercy Watson, and Penelope Rex.
Libraries Storytime At FilmScene at The Chauncey
12:30 pm - 1:00 pm
Join your favorite librarians from Coralville Public Library, Iowa City Public Library, and North Liberty Library for a very special storytime.
Book Character Meet & Greet At FilmScene at The Chauncey
2:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Bring your camera and snap a picture with Frog & Toad, Clifford, Mercy Watson, and Penelope Rex.
February 25
Write Out Loud Student Award Ceremony
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Students in grades 1 through 8 in Corridor are districts are invited to submit writing to One Book Two Book! Those submissions are evaluated by a team at ACT in Iowa City. Grade-level winners will be selected in two categories:
The Write Stuff, which is judged based on language, clarity, structure, and emotional impact.
From the Heart, judged based on creativity, passion, and expressiveness.
Recognized students will be invited to read their winning submissions at “Write Out Loud,” a special award ceremony Sunday, February 25, at 1 p.m. in Macbride Auditorium, on the campus of the University of Iowa. In addition, a percentage of all students whose submissions were deemed to be of outstanding quality also will be honored with a “certificate of distinction.” All recognized students will receive certificates and prizes at the event. The grade-level prize winners will have their work published in a booklet available at the festival.
Date: February 22-25,2024
Location: Various Venues In Iowa City, IA 52240
Click Here For More Information