
Osceola Library System News - August 3, 2023

Schools and Libraries

August 7, 2023

From: Hart Memorial Central Library

Expand your skillset with @MasterClass on hoopla!

Learn from the world's best artists, chefs, authors and more with @Masterclass, free with your Osceola Library card. Borrow now on hoopla!

Show Your Card, Osceola is coming up!
Local businesses that want to help the Library and community get excited about signing up for a Library Card should contact Annelle, Marketing and Outreach Specialist, for an official invite and sign-up form.

Click here for more details!

What's Happening at the Library?

Hart Memorial Library

Lawyers in the Library: Estate Planning
Wednesday, August 9, 6pm
The time is now to make sure you have all your affairs in order. Understand the basics of Estate Planning with Florida attorney Carlos Martoral of The Florida Legacy Group.

Open Mic Night

Thursday, August 10, 6pm
Share musical talents, spoken word, artist abilities or just relax and enjoy an evening of soulful delights! Everyone is welcome to participate.

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