Government and Politics
May 13, 2023
From: Pima County GovernmentSupervisor Rex Scott to Join Leaders in County Government for Intensive Leadership Program in Nation’s Capital
Pima County Supervisor Rex Scott has been named one of a select group of 23 leaders in county government from across the country to participate in the 18th Annual County Leadership Institute (CLI), a rigorous program developed by the National Association of Counties (NACo) and Cambridge Leadership Associates.
The institute, held June 11-15, 2023 in Washington, D.C., will press county officials to consider innovative approaches to address key issues facing their counties and constituents.
“As a former educator, I believe continuing education and collaboration are important not only in the field of education but in all facets of life. Being selected to participate in NACo’s County Leadership Institute is an honor and offers a unique opportunity to learn from our nation’s top county advocacy and policy making organizations. My goal is to sharpen my leadership skills in formulating public policy and identifying additional best practices that will benefit the citizens of Pima County,” Scott said.
The program is designed to help county leaders further develop their approaches toward solving complex challenges. It provides tools to encourage innovation and creativity; resources for invigorating organizational culture; and best practices in effective communication, collaboration and decision-making.
“County officials often address similar issues and can learn a great deal from one another. The County Leadership Institute fosters peer-to-peer learning and encourages common-sense solutions to challenges that counties and residents face every day,” said NACo Executive Director Matthew Chase.
Since its inception, CLI, known for enhancing the capacity of county officials to identify and implement innovative solutions to complex challenges, has graduated nearly 388 leaders from 196 counties across 42 states. This year’s program will focus on the demands of personal leadership in the modern era of government, one characterized as a “permanent crisis” by Cambridge Leadership co-founder Marty Linsky.
The program is made possible with the support of the National Council of County Association Executives. For more information about the County Leadership Institute, click here.
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