
Porter Harvest Festival 2024

Arts and Entertainment

August 10, 2024

From: Porter Harvest Festival


Friday August 16,2024

5:00-8:00 Porter Development Project Supper Fundraiser - burgers, hotdogs, sweetcorn meals and concessions.
5:00 Porter Rocks! Hunt begins. Find rocks hidden throughout town and turn in at the concession stand for prizes.
6:00 Lawn Mower and Look-Alikes Fun Run. Run Leaves the Park at 6:00
7:00 Opening Ceremonies by Porter American Legion
7:05 North v. South Softball Game - Teams will be formed at 6:45
7:30 Senior King and Queen Coronation8:00-11:00 Entertainment under the stars with Kayla Daniels

Saturday August 17,2024

9:00-8:00. Beer Garden open in the Park all day.
7:00-4:00 at 300 block of North Sunrise Ave - Tractor and Equipment Show Registration at 7:00, activities throughout the day. Kettle Popcorn, food truck and refreshments.
available on the grounds - Contact Ken or Linda 507-296-4616
8:00-10:00 at Porter Hall - Porter Fire and First Responders Pancake and Sausage breakfast
8:00-11:00 at Cut Loose Tavern - Bloody Mary's and morning spirits
9:00 Kickball Tournament pre-register by August 11 at www.portermn.org
9:00-1:00 Vendor and Craft Fair no fees for vendors - East lawn of park
11:00-2:00  Concert in the park with Blake Schmitz
1:00 Beanbag Tournament $20 per team-Register from 7:00-8:00 Friday and 9:00-11:00 Saturday at Beer Garden. Kids bracket for kids 12 and under. Kids Entry Fee $10 per team.
2:00 At 300 block of North Sunrise Ave - Free Kid's and Adult Pedal Pull
3:00-5:00 Kid's Activities - East Lawn of the park - Slime, Face Painting, Tie-dye, and more!
3:30-6:30  Burger Feed - Burgers with the fixing, chips, and more!
4:00 Tractor and Equipment Parade around the park
5:00 Kid's Water Fights - Fire Department Style on the north lawn of the park
6:00 Fire Department Water Fights on the north side of the park
9:00-12:00 at Downtown Parking Lot-Street Dance with the Stiches Band - food truck on site

Sunady August 18,2024

8:00-1:00 at Porter Café-Breakfast Buffet
10:00 at Bethel Lutheran Church-Community Worship Service - All are Welcomel
10:00 at Porter Traildusters Arena next to Bethel Lutheran - Horse Show
competitions and fun events for all ages-$15 per rider for the day
11:30 Pickleball Tournament and Fun Play Register for Tournament with Natalie
507-829-8538 by August 15. $10 entry fee
11:30-1:30 Concert with Mario Callens and the Midwest Cowboys
11:30-1:30 Bethel Desserts and More Auction Silent auction inside hall for pies,
homemade baked and other goods and more. Auction ends at 1:30.
12:00 Grilling Competition is served! Grillers should arrive and provide ample time
to finish your masterpiece by noon. $10 to buy your plate to vote. Only 100
plates available.

Date:August 16-18,2024

Location:Various Venue in Porter, MN

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