
Possible Recommendation of Additional Designated Swimming Areas on Navarre Beach

Government and Politics

July 8, 2023

From: Santa Rosa County

Possible recommendation of additional designated swimming areas on Navarre Beach

Santa Rosa County staff is considering a possible recommendation to add additional designated swimming areas to Navarre Beach near the beach walkovers for the safety of residents and visitors during months that experience higher beach visitors. Should this be approved, shark fishing would be prohibited in these designated swimming areas March 1 through November 15 from sunrise to sunset. Shark fishing would still be allowed outside of designated swimming areas. See a map of the proposed areas online at www.santarosa.fl.gov/DocumentCenter/View/7190/Proposed-Designated-Swimming-Areas-Navarre-Beach.

As of today, Fri., July 7, no additional swimming areas have been implemented and shark fishing has not been prohibited. If staff moves forward with this recommendation, it will be discussed at a future board of county commissioners meeting in late July or early August to allow more time for public input.

“We have seen an increase of complaints from visitors and residents of multiple shark fishing lines being set up during the day in areas that are popular for swimming along Navarre Beach,” said DeVann Cook, county administrator. “If this recommendation moves forward, there would still be many areas along Navarre Beach in which visitors and residents could shark fish during the daytime hours from March 1 through November 15. This would not affect any other type of shore fishing.”

Per county ordinance No. 94-19, § 2, 7-28-94; Ord. No. 2019-25, fishing is prohibited in certain areas. Between March 1 and October 31 of each year, fishing with a spear, hook or barb may be prohibited within any public bathing area at Navarre Beach as may be specifically designated by Santa Rosa County. The county shall post one or more signs in such designated areas advising the public that fishing is not permitted in such waters or areas. Bow and crossbow fishing from Navarre Causeway Bridges are prohibited.

Those shark fishing are also reminded that according to Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, chumming is prohibited when fishing for any species from the beach. Find more information about shore-based shark fishing online at https://myfwc.com/fishing/saltwater/recreational/sharks/#sbsf.