
Poudre River Public Library District Happenings Newsletter - May 3, 2023

Schools and Libraries

May 5, 2023

From: Main Library - Poudre River Public Library District

Upcoming Programs

View the complete online events calendar.

Noches en Familia at the Museum 

5:00 PM - 7:00 PM @ Fort Collins Museum of Discovery / el Museo del Descubrimiento de Fort Collins 

¡Celebra la cultura, las tradiciones y la comunidad! Noches en Familia es un programa literario bilingüe que conecta a la comunidad con la cultura Latinx a través de cuentos infantiles, música, títeres, manualidades, comida, juegos e invitados especiales. 

Celebrate culture, traditions and community! Noches en Familia is a bilingual literary program that connects the community with the Latinx culture through stories, music, food, crafts, games, and special guests. 

Sunday, May 7 

Old Town Sensory Storytime 

1:00 PM @ Old Town Library 

Sensory Storytime combines traditional storytime components with sensory elements to enhance the experience and provide extra sensory support. Designed and especially welcoming for children and caregivers who are looking for a smaller, more adaptive library experience. Registration Required.

Click here to know more information about the Poudre River Public Library District Happenings Newsletter - May 3, 2023