
Proclamation Relating To December 2024 Red Flag Fire Conditions

Government and Politics

December 11, 2024

From: Hawaii Governor Josh Green, M.D.

By the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the State of Hawai’i, to provide relief for disaster damages, losses, and suffering, and to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the people, I, Josh Green, M’D., Governor ofthe State of Hawai’i, hereby determine, designate and proclaim as follows:

WHEREAS, wildfires are high-risk threats to the people of Hawaii, as shown by the catastrophic wildfire that destroyed the town of Lahaina in August 2023;

WHEREAS, dry brush is widespread throughout the State and provides a fuel source for future wildfires;

WHEREAS, even small wildfires may quickly intensify and expand to threaten entire communities, requiring widespread evacuations and government response;

WHEREAS, the National Weather Service has issued a Red Flag Warning for December 1 1 , 2024, and again for Thursday, December 1 2, 2024. Red Flag conditions are warm temperatures, very low humidities, and stronger winds that are expected to produce an increased risk of fire danger;

WHEREAS, it is critical that the State be prepared to rapidly deploy personnel and resources such as the National Guard to assist the counties whenever new wildfires ignite and threaten life, safety, or property; and

WHEREAS, it is also critical that the Major Disaster Fund be readily available to fund the government response to wildfires in the State;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSH GREEN, M.D., Governor ofthe State of Hawaii, hereby determine that there is an imminent danger of an emergency or disaster and declare a state of emergency in all counties in the State of Hawaii under section 1 27A14, HRS. To allow maximum  flexibility in the use of State resources to respond to wildflres whenever and wherever they ignite in all counties, I authorize and invoke the following emergency provisions, if not already in effect upon this declaration of an emergency:

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