Government and Politics
May 22, 2024
From: Hawaii Governor Josh Green, M.D.HONOLULU - The Real Estate Commission, together with Community Associations Institute Hawaii Chapter will conduct a free “Condorama XII” event via webinar, on Saturday, June 1, 2024. The event runs from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and will feature three speakers recognized in the condominium community for their expertise in reserves and Hawai?i condominium law.
The event is geared toward condominium owners and is open to the public. Registration is available online at Following the presentation, a recording of the event will be made available on the CAI Hawaii and DCCA Real Estate Branch Condorama websites.
For more information regarding Condorama XII, please visit the Real Estate Branch website at, or call the Real Estate Branch at 808-586-2644.
- Impact of Lahaina Fires on Reserves Statewide
Ayres Christ will discuss the ramifications of the Lahaina wildfires.
- Duties of Directors and Tips on Dealing with Difficult Owners
Attorney Christopher St. Sure will provide an overview on the responsibilities and fiduciary duties of directors, including tips and strategies on dealing with upset and difficult owners.
- Security Services: What Do Community Associations Have a Duty to Protect?
Attorney Bill Gourley will examine security in community associations and best practice to minimize risk.
The Real Estate Commission is one of 52 boards, commissions, and programs administratively attached to the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs Professional and Vocational Licensing Division. It is responsible for the licensure, education and discipline of real estate agents; registration of prelicense schools, continuing education providers, condominium projects, condominium associations, condominium managing agents, and condominium hotel operators; and certification of prelicense and continuing education courses, and prelicense instructors.