Government and Politics
March 1, 2025
GRAND FORKS, ND – On March 1st, the Northern Valley Democratic-NPL held Re-organization meetings for Legislative Districts 17, 18, 20, 42, and 43. The group had record turnout for these meetings—with over 140 in attendance—to elect leadership for the local Democratic-NPL districts. The group also collected nonperishables in response to likely Republican cuts to SNAP and EBT (food stamps).
Northern Valley Democratic–NPL Chair Sarah Grossbauer said, “Every person in this room is proof that our movement isn’t going anywhere. We’re organizing, we’re growing, and we’re fighting for a future where no one has to struggle to put food on the table, where every child gets a quality education, where workers are valued and protected, and where every North Dakotan—no matter their zip code, job, or background—has a real shot at success.”
House Minority Leader Zac Ista (D-43) said, “Patriotic North Dakotans will not sit idly by and watch our county and world thrown into chaos. From reawakened lifelong Democrats to newly frustrated independents to finally fed up Republicans, there’s a home in the North Dakota Democratic-NPL for anyone who wants to take our great country back from Donald Trump and Elon Musk.”
If residents of the Northern Red River Valley would like to get involved in their local Democratic-NPL, they can contact [email protected]