Schools and Libraries
May 16, 2023
From: Seminole County Public SchoolsNOTICE OF INTENT TO ADOPT POLICY
AGENCY: The School Board of Seminole County, Florida
PURPOSE AND EFFECT: The purpose is to amend and/or update the policies, conform policies to current legislation, eliminate redundant and obsolete language, and/or edit with clarifying language. The effect is that policies will be current with applicable law and will incorporate best practices.
0000 BYLAWS: 0142.3 Orientations, and 0151 Organizational Meeting;
1000 ADMINISTRATION: 1121.01 Criminal Background Screening and Employment History Checks, 1213 Relationships with Students, and 1420.01 Terminal Sick Leave Benefits for Administrative Personnel;
2000 PROGRAM: 2215 Program of Instruction, 2271 Articulation and Access to Florida College System Institutions, and 2520 Selection and Adoption of Instructional Materials;
3000 INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF: 3120 Employment of Instructional Staff, and 3121.01 Criminal Background Screening and Employment History Checks;
4000 SUPPORT STAFF: 4121.01 Criminal Background Screening and Employment History Checks;
5000 STUDENTS: 5111.01 Homeless Students, 5335 Care of Students with Chronic Health Conditions, and 5350 Student Suicide Prevention, Awareness, and Screening;
6000 FINANCES: 6325 Procurement-Federal Grants/Funds, and 6480 Payroll Expenditures;
8000 OPERATIONS: 8320 Records Management, 8330 Student Records, 8405 School Safety and Security, 8600 Transportation, and 8810 The American Flag, and The Official Motto of the State of Florida;
9000 COMMUNITY RELATIONS: 9700.01 Advertising and Commercial Activities, and 9800 Charter Schools.
STATUTORY AUTHORITY: Fla. Stat. 1001.41(1)(2), 1001.42, 1001.43, 1010.04, 1001.32
LAWS IMPLEMENTED: F.S. 14.2019, 14.20195, 15.0301, 39.203, 100.041, 106.15, 112.061, 119, 119.011, 119.071, 120, 212.183, 218.39, 218.391, 218.503, 286.23, 316.183(3), 316.217(1)(b), 381.88, 435.09, 435.12, 509.032, 509.232, 743.067, 768.095, 847.012, 943.0435, 943.0585(4)(a), 943.059(4)(a), 1000.06, 1001.10(5), 1001.215, 1001.32, 1001.32(2), 1001.33, 1001.371, 1001.39, 1001.41, 1001.42, 1001.43, 1001.44, 1001.51, 1001.52, 1002.20, 1002.22, 1002.221, 1002.222, 1002.31, 1002.33, 1002.3301, 1002.345, 1002.38, 1003.01, 1003.03, 1003.21, 1003.22, 1003.25, 1003.32, 1003.42, 1003.4205, 1003.48, 1003.485, 1006.07, 1006.13, 1006.1493, 1006.21, 1006.22, 1006.23, 1006.28 through 1006.42, 1007.2616, 1008.22, 1008.25(5)(a), 1008.25(5)(c), 1008.31, 1008.34, 1008.386, 1009.21, 1009.25, 1011.051, 1011.06, 1011.09, 1011.18, 1011.60, 1011.68, 1012.01, 1012.22, 1012.23, 1012.24, 1012.27, 1012.27(6), 1012.315, 1012.32, 1012.33, 1012.42, 1012.45, 1012.465, 1012.55, 1012.56, 1012.57, 1012.583, 1013.10, 1013.12, 1014.05, F.A.C. 6A-1.0012, 6A1.0018, 6A-1.0081, 6A-1.014, 6A-1.0502, 6A-1.0503, 6A-1.056, 6A-1.085, 6A-1.0955, 6A-1.099827, 6A2.0020, 6A-3, 6A-4.0010, 6A-6.03028, 6A-6.0781, 6A-6.0784, 6A-6.0786, 6A-6.07862, 6A-6.0787, 6A-6.0788, 6A-10.083, 20 U.S.C. 1232, 1400, 6301, 7801, 7908, 26 U.S.C. 152, 2 C.F.R. 200.317-.326, 200.474, 200.520, 34 C.F.R. Part 99, Part 300, 42 U.S.C. 11431 et seq. Public Comment/Preliminary Approval for Advertising: May 9, 2023. Final Adoption: June 20, 2023. Initial notice of intent to amend policy was published in the newspaper on April 16, 2023. A policy workshop was held on April 25, 2023. Any affected person may request that the Board conduct a public hearing pursuant to § 120.54(3)(c), Fla. Stat. by filing a request on or before 21 days after the publication of this notice with Jill Mahramus, Clerk of the School Board, Educational Support Center, 400 E. Lake Mary Boulevard, Sanford, Florida 32773. All meetings will be held at the Educational Support Center, 400 East Lake Mary Boulevard, Sanford, Florida 32773. The person to be contacted for a copy of the proposed policy is Jill Mahramus, School Board Clerk, Seminole County Public Schools, 400 E. Lake Mary Blvd., 32773. Contact information via email is [email protected] or by phone (407) 320- 0241. Persons requiring accommodations under ADA/504 should contact Mr. Mark Russi., at (407) 320-0321, TDD (407) 320-0290, Florida Relay (v) (800) 955-8770 or email [email protected] at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. If any person appearing before the School Board anticipates or expects that he or she might appeal any decision made by the School Board, that person will need a record of the proceedings, and that for such purpose, that person will need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based, F.S. 286.0105.