Government and Politics
February 13, 2023
From: Maryland Governor Wes MooreYour 7th District Update
This week began with the bill introduction deadline on Monday, February 6th, for the Senate, and concluded with the bill introduction deadline for the House of Delegates on Friday, February 10th. While bills still can be introduced after the deadline, they are referred to each Chamber’s Rules Committee and require a two-thirds vote to advance to a standing committee.
In total, 2,119 bills have been introduced thus far this legislative session in the Maryland General Assembly, of which 891 were introduced by the 47 members of the Senate and 1,228 bills were introduced by the 141 members of the House of Delegates. Five hundred and ninety-five of these bills are cross-filed, meaning an identical bill is introduced in both chambers. These bills cover an array of different subject matters and each one of the 2,119 is assigned to a committee where a hearing will be held on the bill. Many of these bills will make their way through the committee with a favorable vote and onto the chamber floor to be considered by the entire body, while others will be voted down or not voted on at all in committee and therefore are unable to move on.
Bills on their way to a legislative standing committee for a hearing, include a package of four bills announced on Thursday by the Governor and Maryland’s Democratic Legislative Leadership aimed to further expand abortion access in Maryland - The Right to Reproductive Freedom (HB705/SB798); Reproductive Health Protections (HB808/SB859); Reproductive Healthcare at Higher Education Institutions (HB477/SB341): Privacy Protections for Reproductive Health Records (HB812/SB786).
Senate Bill 199 had a hearing on Wednesday, February 8th in the Senate Education, Energy, and the Environment Committee (EEE). This bill requires the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE), in collaboration with the Maryland Department of Health (MDH), to develop an age-appropriate health education curriculum for students. Parents and guardians will have the ability to opt out of certain topics such as family life and human sexuality or gender identity and sexual orientation.
Senate Bill 378 - Public Health - Vaccinations - Minor Consent
On Wednesday, February 22nd, Senate Bill 378 is scheduled to be heard before the Senate Finance Committee. This bill would allow minors who are at least 14 years old to have the same ability as an adult to consent to vaccination, although interestingly the ability to consent does not include the ability to refuse vaccination for which a parent or guardian has given consent.
On Tuesday, February 7th, over 300 hundred witnesses signed up to testify before the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee causing testimony to last into the early morning hours on gun bills including the following bills:
Gun enthusiasts, hunters, and law-abiding gun owners came out in droves to testify against the measures and restraints that would be imposed on gun owners should SB 1 be adopted by the Maryland General Assembly. The Senate Judiciary Committee was working from an amended draft reprint of the bill that was not made public but was outlined by the bill sponsor during his testimony on the bill. According to the bill sponsor’s testimony, the bill was amended in the following ways: (1) provides private property owners the ability to allow or disallow firearms on their property; (2) replaces the disallowance of firearms from areas of “public accommodations” to that of “highly sensitive” places such as preschools, sports stadiums, hospitals, and libraries; (3) increases the specificity of licenses by changing the current licensing process; and (4) provides a police officer, military, and sheriffs carve outs.
Senate Bill 86 - Rifles and Shotguns - Possession - Age Requirement (Raise the Age Act of 2023)
This bill increases the age requirement to buy a rifle, shotgun, or ammunition to 21 years of age. SB 86 would still allow an individual under the age of 21 to possess a rifle or shotgun in limited circumstances such as: under the supervision of a parent or guardian, military use, employment use, or within the individual’s private residence. If found guilty, a person could be given a misdemeanor sentence and subject to up to 5 years of jail time or a fine up to $10,000.
This bill allows the Attorney General and private individuals to sue gun manufacturers and dealers for injunctive relief, restitution, compensatory and punitive damages, of and/or reasonable attorney’s fees and costs if they believe the gun manufacturer or dealer created a public nuisance from the making or selling of the guns.
While the gun bills heard last Tuesday focused on restrictions placed on law-abiding gun owners, none addressed making Marylanders safer against violent crime committed by those with an unlicensed firearm. Once again, I am a proud co-sponsor of the following bills that will be heard in the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee during this legislative session.
Senate Bill 744 - Penalties and Procedures (Violent Firearms Offender Act of 2023)
SB 744 is emergency legislation that holds criminals accountable for violent firearm-related crimes by increasing penalties and fines for illegal firearm-related crimes and repeals the drug dealer loophole which gives drug dealers lighter sentences than other persons that were convicted of the same crime. SB 744 also penalizes individuals who knowingly sell or give a gun to a person to use in a crime.
Senate Bill 564 - Criminal Law - Theft of a Handgun
Senate Bill 564 further addresses Maryland’s violent crime crisis by making the theft of a handgun a felony by establishing penalties for a criminal’s first conviction of 2 to 5 years of imprisonment and/or a fine up to $1,000, and for any subsequent conviction, imprisonment for 5 to 10 years and/or a fine up to $2,500.
Senate Bill 477 - Residential Construction or Significant Renovation - Electric Vehicle Charging
Senate Bill 477 will be heard in the Senate Education, Energy & Environmental Committee (EEE) on Tuesday, February 14th. SB 477 requires new construction or significant renovation of multifamily residential homes and townhouses to include vehicle charging infrastructures.
Senate Bill 267 - Internet Gaming - Authorization & Implementation
Senate Bill 267 will be heard in the Senate Budget & Taxation Committee on Wednesday, February 15th. This bill will provide for a ballot question allowing Marylanders to vote on the legalization of online casinos in Maryland.
Thank you to all of the police officers, sheriff deputies, and detectives that risked their lives to protect our communities earlier this week.
Although the manhunt began in Baltimore County, the suspect was apprehended in Fallston.
I cannot thank all of the law enforcement officers involved for everything they have done and continue to do. Thank you to Dr. Scalea and his team at the R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center who are working around the clock to attend to the Detective's injuries.
I'm praying for the injured police officer and detective's speedy recovery and my thoughts and prayers are with everyone involved in this horrific incident.
District 7 Night in Annapolis
Join your District 7 Team for a Night in Annapolis. After enjoying a FREE meal, stop by Session and see the Senate and House of Delegates in action!
Monday, February 13th from 6:00pm-7:30pm
Governor’s Calvert House
58 State Circle
Annapolis, MD 21401
Stop by for delicious hors d'oeuvres then come to the State House to see the legislative process in action!
*This is a FREE Event! All are welcome.
RSVP requested: [email protected] / 410-841-3706