
Serpent Mound Star Knowledge Winter Peace Summit "Winter Soulstice" at Woodland Altars

Arts and Entertainment

December 5, 2022

From: Serpent Mound Star Knowledge Winter Solstice Peace Summit

The Serpent Mound Star Knowledge Winter Peace Summit "Winter Soulstice" offers ceremony with indigenous elders, musical experiences through song and drumming, workshops, presentations and other spiritually transformative opportunities. The event will honor the winter solstice at Woodland Altars with Sunday's gathering including a sacred walk around the Serpent Mound in the name of peace. Internationally known speakers such as Ross Hamilton and Thomas "ThunderRock" Johnson, elders and wisdom keepers will provide many opportunities to experience life through new eyes, as seen from various perspectives and will bring greater understanding, compassion, peace and love for all while building community. All nations, all races, all my relations.

Ross Hamilton will speak on the mystery of the Serpent Mound. Gabriel Hackney will use visual storytelling and anthropomorphic cartography tracing the Mound Builders back 11,000 years to the days of the Atlantis kingdom. Traci Gallagher is a certified Reiki practitioner and animal communicator who will speak about her work with alternative healing modalities, plant medicine and her work with the horses. Lawrence Greene will lead a stargazing program.and there will be other opportunities that will offer visitors the chance to experience sacred connections to our world. Vendors and artists who offer one-of-a-kind jewelry, healing tools, and crystals will be at the event. Details about securing a bunk on site can be found on the event page or through the Eventbrite link. There is no camping on site. Only service animals will be permitted but no other pets will be allowed. A food vendor will be onsite with vegan and omnivore choices throughout the event.

The Woodland Altars Appalachian location is a scenic retreat which is just a few short miles from the Serpent Mound. The Serpent Mound is on an ancient sea bed centered in a 320 million year old meteor impact crater. It is the only place on earth where a meteor has hit a fault line and is filled with ancient connections and beautiful history. It is the largest surviving example of a prehistoric effigy mound in the world.

For our Winter Solstice Celebration December 17, 2022, We Encourage you all to Dress up in attire that represents what this time of year means to you. There will be Prizes!!!! (small prizes, but prizes non the less.)


MC Carla Poluha
9:00 Matthew D Campbell Jr.
10:00 Greene Lawrence Rashad
11:00 Thomas Johnson Johnson
11:15 Steve Allison
12:12 Gabriel Hackney
1:00 Ross Hamilton
2:00. Animal Communicator Traci Gallagher
3:00 Chris Davis (Connie Davis) Star Knowledge.
3:45 Laurie Traveline Neyer Music
4:30 Marielle McIntosh Music
5:15 Zack Kouns Music
6:00 Two Flutes from a Different Feather
6:45 Christiana Calantropo
7:30 Adam Elfers
8:15 Leza Vivio & Carla Poluha
9:30 Drumming Baba Jubal
11:11 Contest Prize winners.
11:30 Honoring the Stars "Star Gazing" With Lawrence Green
12:30 Group Meditation

3:00 pm Ask a psychic David Wells
10:00 pm Maria Technicolor

December 18

10:00pm Prayers with Thomas Walk & Matthew Campbell

Serpent Mound opens at 11:00, a quiet Meditative walk around the serpent in the name of Peace.

The winter solstice is now celebrated in many different cultures. This has been going on for thousands of years now, marking the brand new solar year with different practices. The Winter Solstice has been known in many under names like Yule. What is interesting is that you may already know this time of the year and you do not know it. We say this because in most parts of the world we actually celebrate Christmas. This common celebration has strong Pagan roots. The date of December 25th was set due to the wishes of Emperor Aurelian and it marked Roman Winter Solstice. Christians started celebrating Christmas as the day where Jesus was born in the year 273.

Many of the rituals, symbols, lore and customs connected with Christmas, the Winter Solstice, are connected to the Pagan cultures of ancient times. If you want to celebrate Christmas this year in a more Pagan way, just as in the past, here are some things to consider.

In many of the ancient cultures we had celebrations that were way longer than just one day. With this in mind, be sure that you celebrate for longer this year. Focus on interfaith aspects and the multicultural connection that is possible.

Use sacred colors and herbs to adorn your home. Use the Druidic colors like green, white and red. Use evergreen boughs, pine cones and holly in the home. Mistletoe can be added above the areas where a lot of people will socialize. Pagan symbols can be used to decorate and this is actually a pretty good idea if you truly want to celebrate Winter Solstice in the traditional way.

Always convey love to your friends, co-workers and family. This celebration is all about love. In Saturnalia there was a custom where friends and family did feast together and then exchanged presents. This is what inspired the current Christmas traditions but you can take it one step further by simply organizing something a gathering.

Change the way you look at Santa Claus. You should know that Santa Claus has a strong Pagan background. The characteristics that appear now are a mix of Cronos, the Holly King, Father Ice, Thor, Saturn, Frey and Odin. Because of this, try to teach the children about all these aspects.

Never forget about light. The Solstice Eve ritual will offer you a great experience. Indoor fireplaces and outdoor fire will be great. Sing the Pagan carols and then light up the entire home.

The Winter Solstice will always be about helping others. Because of this, make sure that you donate something. You do not necessarily need to donate money. Clothing and food will be appreciated by the people that are poor near where you live. Alternatively, try to volunteer for a charity. This is a great time of the year to basically give back.

Thomas Johnson Thunder Rock of the Stars Sacred Geology of the Serpent Mound Valley. Tom is a rock man from Michigan and has been collecting rocks since he was 4 years old. Collected a lot around Sylvania, Ohio in an old 350 million year old sea bed 90 feet under ground through the 60's and 70's until the government stopped that activity with MSHA and OSHA 1979, He then moved to southern Ohio and began collecting an even older sea bed of 438 million. Many trips around the planet to collect and study fossils dating back to 2,7 billion years, recognized for his achievements in 1984 by the Smithsonian and National Geographic, he has written 3 books and lectured on the subject of trilobites and Meteor Craters for many years.

He was on the History Channel, Ancient Aliens Season 3 Episode 1 the segment on Serpent Mound and adjoining meteor crater.

Tom is the Owner of House of Phacops Rock Shop features fossils, minerals, custom handmade jewelry, art, carvings, music and herbs. The centerpiece of the shop is a Trilobite Gallery created by the U.S. National Museum of Natural History at the Smithsonian Institution.

Terri (Sings with Ravens) Rivera or Ho Waste Winyan, means Good Voice or Good Talk Woman, Dakota name implies you speak the truth and from your heart. One of the founders of Serpent Mound Star Knowledge Peace Summits.

She grew up in Idaho along the Snake River and now lives just three miles from the Serpent Mound at the www.alternateuniverserockshop.com. Both her Home/Shop are on the southeastern edge of a five-mile wide impact crater and sit a top of a 17.5 km long fault line that is miles deep. That combination emits a constant flow of positive energy. Terri has presented at workshops throughout the U.S. and Mexico and has worked with healers from around the world to hold spiritual retreats in various global locations.

As a singer/songwriter she was nominated for a Native American Music Award and came in runner-up in the John Lennon song writing contest.
The music of Terri Sings With Ravens Rivera can be found at:

Ross Hamilton: Mounds, Giants & Star-Lore of the Ohio Valley Born in 1948 on Long Island, New York, Ross Hamilton has lived in the greater Cincinnati, Ohio area since the age of seven. Fascinated by American Indian history from childhood, Hamilton has devoted his life to bringing to light the lost history of the North American continent. He has worked with activist Vine Deloria Jr., the former executive director of the National Congress of American Indians; Floyd "Red Crow" Westerman; and Iroquois chief Jake Swamp. He frequently gives interviews on the subject of the Serpent Mound, giant skeleton discoveries and the implications that an advanced culture flourished in this area many thousands of years ago. He has written three self-published books on a giant race that has been deliberately suppressed from American history and traces a detailed history of who these incredible people were. He has recently been on the History Channel shows Ancient Aliens and Search for the Lost Giants and spoke at Megalithomania USA in October 2011. He is the author of the classic book - A Tradition of Giants, and his latest book - Star Mounds was published in 2011.

Carla Poluha, Red Tent Facilitator and Community Gatherer Co-Host of Serpent Mound Star Knowledge Peace SummitsCarla has acquired many certifications and titles in her professional life, she believed she would climb the professional ladder of success, but much to her surprise , her well thought out plan was interseeded by Creator. There was a far better plan without limitations . All she would be required to do was let go and allow the Inner Goddess to flow and hear the call to gather the women in Red Tents . Red Tents are held during the energy of the new moon , a time when women naturally go within and are most in need of community . It is during this time that women must gather in circle to reclaim the wisdom of our ancestors. To get back into nature to embrace the medicines and recall the ways of our culture and lineage that was once forgotten . Carla is truly a champion of women and gatherer of community. Her passion for peace within humanity comes from her life experiences through adoption. This experience left her to uncover and come to a growing understanding of the core wound within all women and of humanity. This core wound of sex and sexuality is the root that ails all beings . Without uncovering and embracing core wounds we become warriors out to defend and destroy any and all who do not share our beliefs . It’s time to put down the swords with the knowledge that we are already free . The systems are broken , they do not require to be fixed . It’s time to experience liberation and create new ways of being that serve humanity and not the systems. Carla is constantly practicing the balance of creative ideas, passion in the heart and opening to the unfolding of experiences through LOVE

Chris Davis, teacher, singer, songwriter, musician, first saw the Star Knowledge symbols in junior high 1971, a strange mysteries Scholastic book chapter about the Roswell crash showed a drawing of a fragment of strange metal with symbols on it. These symbols resonated deeply, so Chris created his own symbol and drew it in all his school notebooks.

Fast forward to 2011 when Chris married Connie. She had met Chief Golden Light Eagle and had his books and calendar with these same symbols, featured, organized, and explained. Seeing these symbols again, Chris's transformation had begun. After attending his first Star Knowledge conference at Cahokia 2011, meeting Chief, Gma Chandra, Mazatzin, Arturo, and others, Chris started receiving star codes. He also began a fervent study of the Star Knowledge books and related calendar. He wanted to understand it all because Star Knowledge made each day, each moon, each ceremony, each season, sacred. It encouraged his own healing. The community gave him a family of instant embrace and generous acceptance he had longed for, an outlet for his musical expression and need for attention, and a place where he might teach.

Over the next decade, getting to know Chief and talk with him, attending gatherings, playing music with Chief like brothers, Chris's interest in Star Knowledge kept deepening. Chief gifted Chris his brother's sash, and put him in a healing circle when he was sick. In professional life, Chris was a teacher, so he started wanting to teach his understanding of Star Knowledge. He produced musical compositions combining Chief's narration with background sound and received permission to release these that came along with a joke. Chris asked Chief if he might teach Star Knowledge to those with questions. After quizzing Chris if he knew the difference between Universal and Spiritual Laws, and another joke, Chief gave him this permission.

Following the calendar every day, reading the books, drinking in their medicine, Star Knowledge has transformed, focussed, and crystallized Chris's being.

At Chief's last Serpent Mound gathering during a 13th rite ceremony, Chief asked each drummer to stand and announce who he was. When it was Chris's turn he said, "My parents named me Chris Davis. My star origin is Arcturian. In inipi Terri named me Raven of the Red Fire Ring. Mazatzin's Aztec calendar named me Tekpatl Kuauhtli, Flint Eagle. I now name myself Chanaru. I am here." After Chief dropped his robe, he came to Chris and called him Hehaka Wicahpi, Star Elk. Chris takes this as one more sign that he is called to teach his understanding of what Chief gifted us, that and Terri asked him to. So Chris will now claim another name, Star Knowledge Keeper, and he will begin a more formal journey as a teacher of this knowledge to anyone interested. For more info go to: https://www.facebook.com/events/3271810866468005/.

Leza Vivio is known widely for her abilities as a sound healer and inspirational speaker, as well as the founder of Sacred Centered You.

Drumming Baba Jubal Harris

Baba is a percussionist, drum maker, storyteller and teaching artist.

"Skeleton of a village" Lawrence R Greene started a group called The Plains Mounds Wisdom Keepers. The Plains Ohio is the ancient home of an Adena Mounds cultural group. Only Chillicothe, Ohio and Charleston, WV are larger. Few mounds remain in the area and the group is moving toward non profit status to preserve the mounds and educate people on the history of the area. This area of Athens county Ohio has ancient agricultural sites that predate the building of the Mounds as well. The two largest remaining mounds still have bodies, cremations and artifacts inside of them. Other mounds that were opened as the town grow had burials and cremation as well as copper plates, shell beads and ceremonial clothing. Recent scans of the area has shown us sacred circles and the possibility of the directing of lighting into sacred sites. Lawrence will be talking about this history in the area and what it can tell us about repairing the "village" mindset for today's spiritual communities.

Traci Gallagher is a certified Ma’Heo’O, Usui & Animal Reiki Practitioner and Communicator, Sound Healer, Intuitive Guide, Crystal Healer & Wayshower.

? Traci is the founder of A Sacred Sanctuary a wellness and retreat center.

? A Sacred Sanctuary stems from Tracis own journey to overcome early childhood trauma (abuse, abandonment, grief and inter-generational wounds) and ultimately burnout that was created by 22 years of working in a high level position within corporate America that then led to health problems, depression & addiction.

? Ultimately the death of a close family member had her searching for the true meaning to life. She began meditating and studying alternative healing modalities, plant medicine and nutrition so she could heal her mind, body and spirt, thus returning them to a state of balance. She brings the lessons she learned during her own journey to her healing work with clients.

? In her free time she can be found in the pasture with her horses & other four legged’s meditating, in nature, volunteering ,with family, drumming, or continuing her insatiable desire to learn new healing modalities so that she may continue offering the greatest & highest good for humanity

Adam Elfers is a 4th generation songwriter and song-weaver creating community through group musical expression experiences. Starting deep in the cornfields of southern Ohio, Adam has traveled the USA and Latin America collecting songs, stories, and facilitating workshops and performances highlighting our common humanity through song. His song bridging work has been featured in the LA times. www.AdamElfersMusic.com.

Christiana Calantropo
Classical musician turned improvisational violinist, Christiana has taken her training and opened the doors of her creativity through her live looping performances. She uses her gifts as an empath and synesthete to channel and transmute collective emotions into a healing musical soundscape experience.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/christiana.solfire/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9sUdxQHzsiX51hR1dB8uOA

Music by Zack Kouns

A Carving by Thomas Johnson out of Ohio Pipe Stone

Serpent mound Estimates of the age of the earthwork are now radically revised as the result of a new radiocarbon analysis, suggesting that the mound is about 1,400 years older than conventionally thought. The new date of construction is estimated at approximately 321 BCE,. with sun Alignment Positions including the newest Winter Solstice Sunset. Thomas stood where the new fold was found in back of the head and looked to the southwest on Dec 21 and it was aligned. After our SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2022 AT 9 AM

Serpent Mound-Star Knowledge-Peace Summit "Winter Soulstice" at Woodland Altars, We hope to be able to go on December 18th to Serpent Mound it opens at 12:00. A quiet Meditative walk around the serpent in the name of peace.

Yuletide Blessings, We Encourage you all to Dress up in attire that represents what this time of year means to you. There will be Prizes!!!! (small prizes, but prizes non the less.)

Music Laurie Traveline Neyer

Marielle McIntosh artists and workshop facilitators

Gabriel Hackney studies mounds and ancient earthworks associated with the Mound Builders, a journey he was guided to after becoming a Reiki practitioner in 2018 and a Reiki Master in 2019. He has used his BFA Degree in Creative Writer for Entertainment to help him uncover the meaning behind many ancient world heritage sites. Through visual storytelling and anthropomorphic cartography, he successfully traces the Mound Builders back to 11,000 years during the days of Atlantis Kingdom.

Gabriel will now reveal images to you proving who the Atlantean people are, the secrets to their travels, and how they inspired a global phenomenon. His goal is to share what these findings represent for people of today through culture, religion, and by a literal walk of Heaven on Earth.

He currently helps others heal through his business, The Reiki Master Team, because when you work with Spirit you never work alone.

Star Knowledge Drum & Singers

Loving Healthy Carey E Best & Kristine Sibert

Great time Great Healthy food, Loving Healthy is on a mission to push the boundaries of vegan cuisine with omnivore options. This artisan approach to our unique sauces, cheeses and condiments, made from scratch, help bring out the flavors of these wonderful fruits and vegetables.

Flutes of Two Feathers

Date and Time: Saturday, December 17 from 9AM-11 PM and Sunday, December 18 from 10 AM-12 PM

Woodland Altars
33200 State Rte 41
Peebles, OH 45660

Tickets are $44 and may be purchased at the gate or in advance at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/serpent-mound-star-knowledge-winter-soulstice-tickets-428645077967. Several workshops have a suggested love offering of $25 each, but otherwise the admission includes all other programs.

Additional information and a full schedule can be found at https://www.facebook.com/events/3271810866468005 or https://alternateuniverserockshop.com/events.