
Stratford Library to Host “Take Your Child to The Library Day”

Schools and Libraries

January 21, 2025

From: Stratford Library

The Stratford Library, 2203 Main Street in Stratford celebrates “National Take Your Child to the Library Day” on Saturday, February 1. The annual event is free and open to the public.

‘Take Your Child to the Library Day’ encourages families to visit their local library and discover everything it has to offer. This year’s theme is “Fun Around the World” offering different activities throughout the day. From 10am-2pm, children can participate in a fun “Around the world” activity at each of the 7 continents. From 10am-4:30 pm, children can stop by anytime for a free book and to play “I Spy Australia”. Additional special events, which require registration on the Library’s website, include Preschool Play Time from 10:15am-11:15am for ages 2-5 and Speedy Silly Games at 2:30pm for ages 5-12. This special day is courtesy of the Carol Pieper Memorial Fund.

For more information, or to register for Play Time or Games, call 203.385.4165 or visit the events page at: www.stratfordlibrary.org.