
The City Of Granbury : $1.7 Million Investment In Most Valuable City Asset

Government and Politics

December 23, 2022

From: The City of Granbury

Granbury City Council took proactive, positive steps by making a $1.7 million investment in the City’s most valuable asset at their Dec. 20 meeting. A new employee compensation plan was approved. 

It is a significant step toward reducing the amount of turnover in the City Staff and puts the City on track to become “An Employer of Choice” for current employees. For open positions, the higher compensation level makes the City a more attractive workplace to applicants with higher qualifications.

To get an “apples to apples” statistical database, the City engaged Public Sector Personnel Consultants (PSPC). On the Granbury project, PSPC identified 12 cities with similar characteristics--such as population growth, number of staff, budget, and proximity to the DFW metroplex. Salary minimum, midpoint and maximum numbers were calculated for each “Job Family and Class” in the 12 cities and compared with Granbury’s actual numbers. The approved plan adjusts Granbury’s salary ranges closer to what people doing similar jobs in nearby cities are paid. “Council’s approval of this plan provides the funding for City of Granbury employees’ compensation to be brought closer to regional averages,” said Michael Ross, Deputy City Manager.

Funds for the $1.7 million plan come from General Fund and Utility Fund Unrestricted Reserves, or “Rainy Day” funds. 

Payroll adjustments become effective in the first pay period of 2023.

Watch Video Of The Dec. 20 Council Meeting At This Link