Schools and Libraries
June 28, 2023
From: Guilford County SchoolsThis Week in GCS
Eastern Guilford High Facility Renovations - Guilford County Schools is partnering with the Team8 Tour and the Cal Ripken Foundation with the help of UnitedHealthcare’s volunteer initiative to enhance Eastern Guilford High School’s facilities during a two-day stop (June 28th & 29th) on their tour. The Team8 Tour is a national campaign aimed at building healthy communities that will impact young people across the country in the areas of health and fitness. The two-day stop at Eastern Guilford High will consist of volunteers who will work on renovating the school’s fitness spaces, enhancing the locker and athletic trainer rooms (on the 28th,) and building out a virtual reality lab for students and staff (on the 29th.) **The most visual opportunity will be on June 28th between noon and 2:00 pm. Working hours are noon – 4:30 pm on June 28 and 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm on June 29.
Camp Med First Responders Demonstration – On June 29, volunteers from the Army will assist students enrolled in the GCS Camp Med at Northern Guilford High School. Soldiers will pretend to be car crash victims, allowing students to simulate skills they’re learning at camp. The demonstration begins at 11:30 am.
Summer Meals - Young people living in Guilford County can receive free breakfast and lunch. More than 20 school and community locations host summer meal distributions. Meals are available Monday through Thursday from 8 to 9 a.m. for breakfast and 11 a.m. to noon for lunch for people ages 18 and younger. Meals will not be served the week of July 3. An interactive map located on the district’s data dashboard allows families to input their zip code and find a school and community meal sites closest to them.
Virtual Summer Tutoring- Students who want to beat the summer slide can sign up for virtual tutoring. The summer tutoring helpline is open Monday-Thursday from 9:00 am – 11:00 am and 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm. Rising 3rd through 12th graders needed extra help with English Language Arts and/or Mathematics can book a time with licensed GCS Teachers for assistance by visiting Students will need their GCS email address and password to log in.