
Town Of Arlington News - August 21, 2023

Government and Politics

August 23, 2023

From: Town Of Arlington

Aug. 31 International Overdose Awareness Day Candlelight Vigil, Sept. 28 Opioid Impacts Forum, and FY25 CPA Preliminary Application Available

Aug. 31 International Overdose Awareness Day Candlelight Vigil 
Opioid Impacts Forum with Middlesex DA on Sept. 28. 

International Overdose Awareness Day, observed on Aug. 31st, is a day to honor and remember those who have lost their lives to fatal drug or alcohol overdose. In recognition of the day Arlington’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will hold a vigil on this day at 7:15 p.m. - 8:15 p.m. on the lawn in front of the Calvary Church, 300 Massachusetts Ave. In addition to the vigil, a forum is scheduled to take place at Arlington Town Hall on Thursday, Sept. 28, from 6:00 p.m.- 7:30 p.m., where Middlesex District Attorney, Marian Ryan, will speak to the impact of opioids and other drugs in Massachusetts. Residents will also hear from Prevention Services Manager Anna Martin and HHS Director, Christine Bongiorno, about what is being done in Arlington. Learn more at arlingtonma.gov/hhs.

FY25 CPA Preliminary Application Available 
The deadline for the preliminary application is October 6th. 

Have an open space, outdoor recreational facility, affordable housing, or historic preservation project that needs funding? The Community Preservation Act Committee is now accepting preliminary applications for projects to be funded in FY2025 under the Community Preservation Act (CPA). The deadline for the preliminary application is October 6th. The CPA raises an estimated $1.8 million in funding annually via a tax surcharge and state funds that are designated for major public investments in these categories. View the application and apply.