Government and Politics
December 1, 2022
From: Town Of Fort Myers Beach
CARPOOLING IS ENCOURAGED. We will be cleaning the southern end of Fort Myers Beach with a focus on the CWA (Critical Wildlife Area). Parking will be in multiple condo parking lots where ONLY REGISTERED VOLUNTEERS WILL BE PERMITTED TO PARK AND WILL BE GIVEN A PARKING PASS.
During the registration, please let us know if you are coming by car and how many volunteers will be with you.
-Island Winds Condo - 6610 Estero Blvd. (N of the CWA) can handle 20 cars
-Sand Caper Condo - 6900 Estero Blvd. (N of CWA) can handle 25 cars
-Bermuda Dunes Condo - 7390 Estero Blvd. (mid CWA) can handle 15 cars
-Carlos Pointe Condo - 8350 Estero Blvd. (S of CWA) can handle 20 cars
Volunteers are to check in at their registered condo site.
All Fort Myers Beach residents are welcome to join us and can come by bicycle or walk-up.
Please note the following:
-Volunteers need to be 18 or older
-MUST wear closed-toe shoes
-Bring sunblock
-Bring extra thick gloves if you have them
-Will be required to wear a safety vest (provided by us) as there is heavy equipment on the beach
-Potential for Red Tide in the area
-MUST pre-register
A huge thank you to the condo managements for donating the use of their space.
Email [email protected] with any questions. Please click on the button to sign up.
Thank you for volunteering!