
Town Of Littleton News - Plastic Bag Reduction Bylaw Effective August 1, 2023

Government and Politics

February 1, 2023

From: Town Of Littleton

Town of Littleton News

At the November 1, 2022 Special Town Meeting, Littleton residents voted to enact a plastic bag reduction bylaw which bans the use of thin-film, single-use checkout bags at Littleton retail stores and grocery stores. The intent of the plastic bag reduction bylaw is to regulate the retail use of single-use plastic checkout bags and promote the use of reusable, recyclable, and biodegradable bags in the Town of Littleton. Regulating single-use plastic bags positively impacts the local and global environment by reducing solid waste, minimizing litter, reducing microplastic ingestion and the overall carbon footprint of the Town of Littleton. The bylaw encourages the use of reusable bags, and goes into effect on August 1, 2023.

For more information, please CLICK HERE.