
Town of Old Lyme Weekly Update from the First Selectman - December 23, 2022

Government and Politics

December 25, 2022

From: Town of Old Lyme

Wow – what a weather pattern.  The high tide and the southeast wind are causing local flooding – even the Duck River is flooding McCurdy Rd. at the bridge!  At least we didn’t have widespread power outages. 

Please be aware that the Transfer Station will be closed during the next two Saturdays (December 24th and 31st) and the next two Mondays (December 26th and January 2nd).  CWPM, our refuse and recycling contractor, announced that it will maintain its collection routes in the normal fashion, so no change there. In addition, the Town Hall will be closed December 26th and January 2nd.

Marylin Clarke, who served as the Old Lyme Town Attorney for 31 years and as the Democratic Registrar of Voters for the last 6 years, announced that that she will step down as the Registrar on December 31st.  State Statute stipulates that the Democratic Deputy Registrar, Jennifer Datum, will become the new Registrar.  In recognition of Marylin’s long and distinguished service, a reception was held for her at the Senior Center which was well attended.  We thank Marylin for her service.  Read more in this LymeLine article.

We are pleased to announce that Ethan Kula has been hired to be our newest Old Lyme Police Officer.  Ethan was sworn in on December 15th and will attend a seven-month Basic Recruit Training program at the State Police Academy in Meriden, CT.  Ethan has served as an Old Lyme Police Ranger for three summers.  Once all his training is completed, Ethan will be our fifth Old Lyme Police Officer.  Read more in this LymeLine article.

On Tuesday January 3rd, we will welcome Katie Balocca as the new Executive Assistant to the First Selectman.  For the last 12 years, Katie has worked at the Old Lyme Phoebe Noyes Griffin Library – most recently as the Development Assistant and Administrative Assistant to the Director.  She and her family live in Old Lyme and she has been active in several volunteer capacities with local organizations.  We are very pleased to have Katie join our team.

The Town still has COVID test kits available at no charge.  You may stop by and pick up two kits at the Selectman’s Office.  Residential households in the U.S. may also order one set of 4 at-home tests at no charge from: https://special.usps.com/testkits.

Last Wednesday, the three Old Lyme Selectmen had the pleasure of delivering bags of holiday food to several Old Lyme residents in time for Christmas.  Thanks to Senior Center Director Stephanie Gould and her assistant Caitlin Perkins for organizing this effort.  It was wonderful to see how appreciative the seniors were and to wish them holiday greetings.

Matt Ward, Martha Shoemaker and I wish everyone a joyous holiday season!

Tim Griswold, First Selectman