
Town of Old Saybrook: Presentation Of Fiscal Year 2024 Proposed Budget

Government and Politics

February 20, 2023

From: Town of Old Saybrook

Click HERE for the online version of the FY 2024 proposed budget

The proposed budget is the final product of several joint Boards of Selectmen and Finance budget workshops designed to review and assess budget presentations by Town department heads. As required by the Town Charter “The First Selectman shall compile all General Government (GG) budgets no later than February 15th of each year, and present to the Board of Selectmen a consolidated proposed budget consisting of the following:

-A budget message which states the present financial condition of the Town and any changes proposed for the ensuing fiscal year
-A Statement of revenue estimates which shall include receipts collected during the then current fiscal year, last monthly financial report, estimated receipts for the remainder of the then current fiscal year, and estimates of revenue (excluding tax revenue) for the ensuing fiscal year.
-A statement of expenditure estimates which shall include itemized expenditures made by each board, commission, department, agency or official for the last completed fiscal year, expenditures made during the then – current fiscal year to date of the last monthly financial report, estimated expenditures for the remainder of the then current fiscal year, and estimates of expenditures for the next ensuring fiscal year.
-A recommendation as to any capital projects to be undertaken by the Town during the next ensuing fiscal year, together with a recommendation as to the method or methods of financing the same.