
What They're Saying: Governor Newsom's State of Emergency to Fast-Track Wildfire Prevention Projects

Government and Politics

March 6, 2025

From: California Governor Gavin Newsom

SACRAMENTO - Foresters, firefighters, community leaders and wildfire experts are applauding Governor Gavin Newsom’s state of emergency proclamation to remove red tape and increase the pace and scale of forest management in California. 

Following the devastation of the Los Angeles firestorms and with the risk of wildfire increasing statewide, Governor Newsom over the weekend proclaimed a state of emergency to fast-track critical projects protecting communities from wildfire, ahead of peak fire season. 

Here is a snapshot of what leaders are saying across the state:

Doug Teeter, Butte County Supervisor: “Devastating wildfires unfortunately have greatly affected our State’s citizens and environment. I applaud the Governor’s commitment to reduce the bureaucratic bottleneck CEQA has become.”

Graham Knaus, Chief Executive Officer, California State Association of Counties: “This is absolutely the right move from Governor Newsom. Counties are ready to move quickly to address wildfire risks. The next step in recognizing that fire season is now year-round is to codify these orders in state law.”

Brian K. Rice, President, California Professional Firefighters: “Governor Newsom’s actions demonstrate a meaningful commitment to safeguarding our communities from the escalating threat of wildfires. By streamlining essential forest management projects and cutting through delays, this decisive action not only enhances public safety but also ensures that our firefighters can operate under safer conditions when responding to future incidents. Such proactive measures are crucial in mitigating the severity of wildfires and protecting both lives and property across California.”?

Patrick Blacklock, Chief Executive Officer, Rural County Representatives of California: “Federal and State policy backed by the preponderance of science is clear that we need to accelerate the pace and scale of forest treatments if we are to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfire and improve the health of our forests. This EO is a significant step forward and we stand ready to collaborate with the Governor’s Administration to implement it.”

Assemblymember David Tangipa (R-Fresno): “I’ll be the first to give credit where it’s due—thank you Governor Newsom for suspending CEQA as our communities face the threat of massive wildfires. Now, we must act fast to create buffer zones between urban, wild lands and critical infrastructure. We don’t have any time to waste!”

Michael Wara, Senior Research Scholar, Stanford University: “Newsom trying to get more wildfire safety work done this year, addressing a critical issue for California.”

Pete Jackson, VP/GM, Green Diamond Resource Company: “As a Registered Professional Forester, a forest landowner, and the Vice President/General Manager of Green Diamond Resource Company’s California Timberlands, I support Governor Newsom’s proclamation of a state emergency to remove barriers to increasing the pace and scale of fuels treatment projects. Fire touches the lives of all Californians. This unprecedented emergency necessitates immediate action to protect communities and their homes, businesses, working forests, watersheds, and wildlife. We can solve this problem together. Let’s get to work.”

Matt Dias, President and CEO, CalForests: “The Governor’s Proclamation of Emergency supporting prevention activities is one of the critical and necessary actions to protect lives, communities and forests in an era of increasing frequency and intensity of wildfires across California.”

Paul Mason, VP Policy and Incentives, Pacific Forest Trust: “To prevent destructive wildfires California needs to increase the use of prescribed fire by at least an order of magnitude. We’re excited to help rethink how California can improve the permitting for prescribed fire. Fire is both natural and inevitable, and when we are proactive we can have more fire under conditions that give good outcomes rather than always fighting fire under the worst conditions.”

Randi Spivak, Center for Biological Diversity: “The Governor’s order is strategic.”

J. Lopez, Member of the California Board of Forestry and Fire Protection: “The Governor’s proclamation underscores the paramount importance of expediting the implementation of science-based resource management practices that safeguard and preserve natural and cultural resources, protect our towns and cities, and restore the traditional way of life for Californians.”

Seth Schalet, CEO, Santa Clara County FireSafe Council: “Governor Newsom’s recent Executive Order is intended to fast-track fuel reduction projects across the state. As a 501(c)3 nonprofit, a non-state entity covered in the EO, this allows us to accelerate shovel ready projects that normally would go through the lengthy CEQA process, so more fuel treatments and escape routes can be started before this year’s fire weather kicks in. One project we lead in Santa Clara County, the 110,000-acre West Santa Clara Landscape Resilience Project will leverage Governor Newsom’s EO by utilizing the California Vegetation Treatment Plan to implement ecologically restorative fuel reduction treatments across more than 110,000 acres in western Santa Clara County. These strategically placed treatments will focus on the Wildland Urban Interface and areas where high fuel loads are impacting the health of ecosystems.”

Christopher Anthony, former Chief Deputy Director of CAL FIRE & Wildfire Advisor: “I applaud Governor Newsom’s efforts to accelerate forest health and community risk reduction efforts to address the increasing size and severity of wildfires. Streamlining regulatory barriers will protect lives, property and the unique natural resources of the State. This effort will also guard against the downstream economic impacts wildfire can have on local communities. The Emergency Proclamation clears hurdles allowing the return of low-intensity, beneficial fire to fire adapted ecosystems across California, ensures community wildfire mitigation efforts can be implemented quickly, and expedites the reduction of hazardous vegetation from within and around communities. We have no other choice than to move forward with a sense of urgency to stabilize property loss and create a future where beneficial fire, not destructive fire, is the dominant contributor to annual area burned.”

California Biomass Energy Alliance: “CBEA applauds the Governor Newsom’s call for a state of emergency to expedite forest management projects in order to protect lives. CBEA is prepared to work with the state on removal of that wood waste and converting some of it to renewable energy.”

Joe Smailes and Lawrence Camp, Forest Landowners of California: “Forest Landowners of California (FLC) represents the nonindustrial forest landowners of the state of California. These landowners, estimated to be approximately 100,000 individuals, own and manage approximately 20 percent of California’s forested landscape. Historically, administrative burden and costs have slowed the pace and scale of vegetation management to reduce the risk of wildfire, maintain water quality, preserve wildlife habitat and store carbon. We strongly endorse the Governor’s proposals as set forth in his Executive Order issued on March 1, 2025.”