
What's Coming Up At Calvary Christian Church - April 20, 2023

Religion and Spirituality

April 21, 2023

From: Calvary Christian Church

KidzTurn is our largest kids event at Calvary! Four incredible nights (April 30 - May 3) of worship, games, Bible lessons, giveaways, prayer and more! Each night you can join us for pre-service fun on the front lawn at 5:00pm. There will be an inflatable obstacle course, gaga pit, and other fun carnival games. Kids Services start at 6:30pm in the main sanctuary (doors open at 6:00pm). There will be amazing prizes for the top 3 kids who bring the most friends throughout the 4-day event. All children must be accompanied by an adult and you must pre-register the night(s) you will be joining us at https://calvary.link/kids. For more information, please reach out to Pastor Ryan at [email protected].

Village has partnered with Centerboard, a group home and community center in Lynn that houses foster youth. We are organizing a cleanup and restoration of one of their homes and are looking for able bodied volunteers to help. This project will provide the staff and youth with a revitalized outdoor space they can be proud of. People with landscaping skills and/or equipment would be a bonus and greatly appreciated. Please make plans to join us on Saturday, May 06 for the clean-up portion and Saturday, May 20 for the restoration portion. Additionally, we are looking for men to participate in Centerboard’s Mentorship Program for foster boys. Please stop by Village’s table in the foyer or reach out to Brad and Ana Tripp at [email protected] or [email protected].

SP is a four week class that serves as an introduction to ministry and membership at Calvary. We believe that everyone has a place, and we’re here to help you discover your God-given purpose. We meet both in-person and online on Sunday’s at 12:30PM and Tuesday’s at 7:00PM. Pre-registration is required and can be completed at https://calvary.link/groupregistration. For more information, please direct questions and inquiries to Pastor Brigham at [email protected].