Religion and Spirituality
December 11, 2023
From: Calvary Christian ChurchAs we enter the Christmas season, we recognize there are many who are remembering and missing loved ones who have passed. On Sunday, December 17, we will be honoring them in our Christmas Memorial Garden. If you would like to purchase a Christmas flower in remembrance of them, please fill out the following form at by Monday, December 11. After you have filled out the form, you can make your payment by submitting a check or paying online at and noting, “Christmas Memorial Garden.” Please direct questions and inquiries to Casey Perez at [email protected].
Pastor Brigham, Andraya, and their children will be with us in all our Sunday morning services on December 17. Calvary family, please make plans to join us after the 12:30PM service on Sunday, December 17 in the multipurpose room for a time of celebration as we send the Lee family off with love and gratitude for their incredible impact here at Calvary. For more information, please contact Katie Martinello at [email protected].
Please join us for a beloved Calvary tradition our one-hour candlelight and communion service on Sunday, December 24 at 9:00AM, 11:00AM, and 6:00PM. Our Hispanic Ministry will host a Christmas Eve service in Spanish on Sunday, December 24 at 2:00PM. Each of these services will be the same, so please choose the one that best fits you and your family. Visit to stay up to date with everything planned at Calvary during the Christmas season.
Join us for a Night of Hope on December 31 at 10:00PM – 12:00AM. Here at Calvary, we always look forward to beginning the new year with a time of thanksgiving, praise, worship, prayer and a word of exhortation. We will also be celebrating with members of our church family who will be making the decision to be water baptized. After the service, everyone is invited to join for a time of fellowship and food in our multipurpose room. Please invite family and friends and make plans to join us for this special night of devoting ourselves to the Lord in the new year! For more information, please reach out to Pastor Charles at [email protected].
You are not alone. CR is a Christ-centered recovery program for anyone struggling with hurts, habits or hang ups. Join us in-person on Tuesday nights at 6:00PM for a time of worship, teaching, fellowship, and food. All are welcome! Visit us at for a detailed explanation of what to expect. Please direct questions and inquiries to Pastor Sterling at [email protected].
Once again, we are excited to announce that our church will be kicking off the new year in a season of prayer and fasting. The scriptures tell us that if we come near to God, He will come near to us. Our annual 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting will begin on January 08 and go through January 28. We will be gathering every day for a united time of prayer at 7:00AM – 8:00AM in the prayer chapel. You are welcome to fast as the Holy Spirit leads. This year, we are encouraging everyone to consider reading, “Pray First,” by Chris Hodges. This is an incredible book about prayer and fasting. It can be ordered online at Please direct questions to Pastor Charles at [email protected].