Religion and Spirituality
January 12, 2024
From: Calvary Christian ChurchWhat's Coming Up At Calvary
You are invited to the BEST Friday night youth service of the year! For students in grades 5-12, join us for our annual New Year's Bash on Friday, January 12 at 5:30PM in person at our Lynnfield campus. We kick off youth services here at Calvary every year with this incredible event which includes food from Chick-Fil-A, video game trucks, crazy big giveaways, insanely fun games, and a student-led worship service that will kick off your new year with a bang! Pre-registration is up and running, and can be completed at For any questions, be sure to reach out to Pastor Daniel and follow Calvary Youth for all the up to date information you'll need.
Are you longing for community? Looking for what's next in your walk with Jesus? Get Connected in our winter groups and classes, and discover where you belong! God has something for you as you enter into community with others. Check out the complete list of upcoming groups and classes beginning in the new year at
We’ll be focusing on prayer, God’s word, serving, stewardship, and evangelism. One spiritual discipline we will be encouraging everyone to make is reading through the Bible in 2024. Be sure to pick up your reading plan in the foyer or view it on our app.
Once again, we are excited to announce that our church will be kicking off the new year in a season of prayer and fasting. The scriptures tell us that if we come near to God, He will come near to us. Our annual 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting will go through January 28. We will be gathering every day for a united time of prayer at 7:00AM – 8:00AM in the prayer chapel. You are welcome to fast as the Holy Spirit leads. This year, we are encouraging everyone to consider reading, “Pray First,” by Chris Hodges. This is an incredible book about prayer and fasting. It can be ordered online at Please direct questions to Pastor Charles at [email protected].
What if I told you that you could spend a week loving on our missionaries? Would you be interested? Every year missionaries gather for a time of refreshment and renewal. This upcoming summer, we have the unique opportunity to join them in Europe and lead the retreat for missionary kids from ages 0-18. We need 40 people ready to pour into these kids and teens. Join us Sunday, January 14 at 10:00AM, 12:00PM or 2:00PM for a 15-minute interest meeting and learn about this incredible opportunity! For more information, please reach out to Pastor Ben at [email protected].
Calvary Young Adults Presents the first Encounter Night of the year: Drop The Ball. All young adults ages 18-35 are invited on January 21 at 6:30PM as we kick off the New Year with worship, a powerful word, food, and some amazing giveaways. The attire is ALL WHITE. No registration needed. For any questions, please reach out to Pastor Clark and follow Calvary Young Adults (@calvarycc.ya) on Instagram. Can't wait to see you there!
Are you looking to take the next step in following Jesus? Our water baptism class is designed to help you understand what it means to follow Jesus. If you haven't made this public declaration of your faith or simply want to learn more, we invite you to join us on the first and second Sunday of each month at 12:30PM. Please reach out to Pastor Ben at [email protected].