Religion and Spirituality
March 17, 2023
From: Calvary Christian ChurchOn the eve of getting a new sibling, two sisters journey back in time as their Grandpa reveals the powerful story of Jesus. What did Jesus coming as a baby have to do with them? Join us as we find out together in Calvary Theater’s, “The Promise,” featuring live animals, special effects, and gripping musical performances. Admission is free and childcare is provided for children five years and younger. Pick up your tickets and flyers in the foyer so you can invite family, friends, coworkers, and more. Visit to learn more. Showings are scheduled for: April 1 at 7pm, April 2 at 6pm, April 7 at 7pm, April 8 at 2pm and 7pm, April 9 at 6pm.
Village has partnered with Centerboard, a group home and community center in Lynn that houses foster youth. We are organizing a cleanup and restoration of one of their homes. These projects will provide the staff and youth with a revitalized outdoor space they can be proud of and provides us an opportunity to locally share the love of Christ. We are looking for able bodied volunteers. People with landscaping skills, a green thumb, and/or equipment would be an added bonus and greatly appreciated! Please make plans to join us on Saturday, May 06 for the cleanup portion and Saturday, May 20 for the restoration portion. Additionally, we are looking for men to participate in Centerboard’s Mentorship Program for foster boys. Please stop by Village’s table in the foyer or reach out to Ana and Brad Tripp at [email protected] or [email protected].
Encounter Night is our monthly young adult service for anyone ages 18-35 where we come together for a single purpose: to encounter God. Whether you’re looking for emotional or physical healing, deliverance from addictions or past hurts, or just want to spend time in God’s presence…Encounter Night is the place to be! Please join us on Sunday, March 19 and every third Sunday of the month in the sanctuary. Doors open at 6:30PM and our service starts at 7:00PM.
As we enter the Easter season, we recognize there are many who are remembering and missing loved ones who have passed. On Easter Sunday, April 9, we will remember them in our Easter Memorial Garden. If you would like to purchase an Easter flower in remembrance of them, please fill out the following form at by Monday, April 3. After you have filled out the form, you can make your payment by submitting a check or paying online at and noting “Easter Memorial Garden.” There isn’t a set amount, so please give what you’d like. Please direct questions and inquiries to Casey Perez at [email protected].
Calvary’s Single Adult Ministry meets every second and fourth Saturday of the month at 5:30PM. With a family feel, you’ll experience a beautiful time of worship, ministering of God’s Word, and a time of prayer. The service is followed up with dinner and a time to connect with one another around the table. If you’ve never been married, are widowed, separated, or divorced, we welcome you to join us. Our gathering scheduled for April 08 is going to look a little different. We are planning to meet at Prince Pizza at 4:00PM to have dinner and then go to the Easter Play and sit together. Please direct questions and inquiries to [email protected].
If you are looking to grow and connect with others, we invite you to Get Connected through our Spring Groups and Classes. The semester will begin the week of April 02. To learn more, please visit or connect with Pastor Ben and his team in the foyer on Discipleship Sunday, March 26. Please direct questions and inquiries to Pastor Ben at [email protected].