In May 1861, the outbreak of the Civil War began. Staten Islander's responded to our nation's plea to keep the union of the states together and enthusiastically enlisted. Regimental enlistment camps developed all over Staten Island, husbands, fathers and sons left the safety of their homes and joined the Union Army to fight for the cause. All over Staten Island women and children were left to fend for themselves. Many were immigrant families who came to American to seek a better life and now were willing to fight for that ideal. Staten Island was in a tumultuous period of its history and we united for the first time as a people.
Staten Island and New York City freed their Colonial Slaves in 1827. A famous Staten Islander signed this bill into law. Since the early 1800's Staten Islanders were dedicated abolitionist, they fought to oppose slavery and to help promote the safety of women and children.
The famous abolitionist Frederick Douglass spoke at the Fountain House and Inn which was located on Richmond Terrace by where the new West Brighton houses are located today.
May 1861 is the starting point of absolute change in this country the result of which was Civil Rights, Women's Rights, Gay Rights and the right of all American's to seek liberty and happiness.
To learn more or to become involved in this historic event, please contact Ron Washington at [email protected]. or call 347-857-6903.
Clink on the below link to view the article that appeared in the S.I. Advance regarding Private Robert Howard, 54th MA volunteers.
(Below please find the Staten Island Civil War Honor Roll, if you know of someone that should be on this list, please contact us.)
Bartine, David M., 5th NY, Budds Ferry, VA - disease
Beatty, Aaron, 132nd NY, Andersonville Prison
Bell, Robert, 156th NY, Private - disease
Blake, Edmund, 156th NY, Private, Wounded Winchester - result of inquiry
Bowman, Jacob, 132nd NY, Bachelor's Creek, NC - KIA
Buel, Henry V., 156th NY, Private - disease
Burbank, Abiel H., 156th NY - disease
Carr, Duncan, 73rd NY, Williamsburg, VA 1862 - KIA
Connor, Dewitt, Clinton, 156th NY, Fort Bislano - KIA
Decker, John J. 107th NY, Dallas GA, 1864 - KIA
Dissoway, Cornelius, 145th NY, Chancellville, VA - KIA
Edwin Fountain, 12th NY, Private, 8/7/1864 - result of injury
Goss, Adam, 40th NY, Sergeant, 2nd Bull Run, VA, 8/29/1862 - KIA
Haggerty, Edward, 156th NY, Port Hudson - KIA
Hatley, Jacob H. 6th NY, 11/11/1862 Alexandria VA - disease
Johnson, Albert A., 107th NY, Dallas, GA - result of injury
Jones, Albert, 156th NY - disease
LaForge, Richard, 145th NY - disease
Lane, Joseph R., 133rd NY, Port Hudson, LA, 6/14/1863 - KIA
Larkin, Christopher, 156th NY, 1st Lieutenant, Cedar Creek, VA 10/19/1864 - KIA
Latourette, David, 9/19/1864, Atlanta GA - disease
Latourette, William M., Elmira, NY, 6/15/1866 - disease
Lenhart, Rev. John L., US Navy Chaplin, Hampton Roads, VA, 3/6/1862 - Drowned
Lewis, Isaac W. 132nd NY - disease
Lockman, Isaac, Private, 82nd Regiment NY, Gettysburg PA, 7/3/1863 - KIA
Lyons, Daniel, 145th NY, Washington DC - disease
McNamara, John, 145th NY, Fairfax Courthouse, VA - disease
Newbury, Charles, 107th NY, Dallas GA - KIA
Pero, John, US Navy, Assistant Engineer, Sapola Sound GA, 10/1/1864 - KIA
Shaw, Robert Gould, Colonel, 54th MA, Ft. Wagner, 7/18/1863 - KIA
Simons, Issac Martin - Lost at Sea
Simonson, Daniel, 107th NY, Marietta, GA - KIA
Sprague, Cornelius, M. 1st NY, Bull Run, VA - KIA
Sprague, David J., 145th NY, Washington DC - disease
Stevens, John, 9th NY, Antietam, MD - KIA
Troy, John, Zouaves NY, Franklin St. NY Harbor, 5/6/1863 - drowned
Watson, James, 156th NY, Cedar Creek, POW, exposure
Woglom, James G., 132nd NY - disease
Morris' Memorial, excerpt: "Being so near to the great Metropolis, it was natural that Staten Island should have keenly felt the public pulsation of the first hours of the war. We vividly recall those exciting scenes in April, 1861, when all places of public resort overflowed with eager, inquiring multitudes; when startling bulletins met the eye at every turn, and the telegraph flashed the detail to every hamlet, until at last every vestige of doubt was removed, the last feeling of hope thrust aside, and the nation awoke from its long dream of peace to the terrible realities of intestine war.
One of the first acts of hostility, in which Staten Island was directly concerned, was the seizure of the schooner "S. W. LUTRELL," of this place, at Norfolk, Virginia, for violation of the inspection laws of that State, for preventing the escape of fugitive slaves.
A large Union meeting was held at Tottenville on Saturday, the 26th of January. A banner was raised, bearing upon it the motto, "THE CONSTITUTION AND THE UNION," and the most enthusiastic expressions of devotion to country were given. Cannons were fired in honor of the Union, of General SCOTT and of Major ANDERSON.
Preparations were made to meet the expected call for troops in April. Staten Island began thus early to assume a martial air. Uniformed men were common on our streets, and from every hamlet recruits were rallying in response to the call."