Acton Faith Bible Church has been serving the spiritual needs of Acton residents since 1977. Our small, Christ-centered fellowship is growing and we are actively on the look out for opportunities to minister to the people of our community. We are devoted to one another in love as the scripture commands; and it is our desire to support, encourage and pray for one another according to the pattern and teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Our beliefs are thoroughly consistent with historic, orthodox Christianity (please refer to our doctrinal statement). We are committed to the great Reformation principles of Grace alone, Faith alone and Scripture alone. Our doctrinal strength is reflected in our commitment to the proclamation of the gospel and the careful, systematic teaching of God's word.
We are an independent church, which simply means that we have no direct affiliation with any denomination. Realizing our need for broader fellowship and the mutual support and encouragement of other local churches, Acton Faith Bible Church is a member of the IFCA International (formerly known as the Independent Fundamental Churches of America). The IFCA International is a fellowship of like-minded churches providing a helpful link between churches, pastors and ministries. We seek a healthy balance of being fellow-workers with other Christians around the nation while still retaining full freedom and responsibility to do the Lord's work as He guides us. Our church is open to all who love the Lord Jesus Christ and put their faith in Him. If you are currently seeking a church to identify with, we invite you to get to know us better.