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Ada Community Library

10664 West Victory Road

The Ada Community Library is committed to providing a broad range of library services including popular reading, listening, and viewing materials; providing up-to-date informational services including technological resources, and personalized assistance for community residents of all ages; helping to develop an interest in reading and learning in young children; and increasing cooperation and resource sharing among area libraries.

About the Library:
The Ada Community Library provides a beautiful, dynamic setting for browsing and checking out books but it is much more than a lending library. Here patrons can also find high speed Internet access and Microsoft Office applications, computer instruction, homework help, literacy and language instruction materials, readers advisory service, reference information and personalized assistance using print and online sources, public catalog with access to millions of items and more than 1,000 journals accessed online both in-house and from home or office. Children can participate in story hours, art and music programs, after-school events and summer reading programs, play computer learning games, or just socialize with other children in our developmental play area.

The Ada Community Library District was established in 1987 by a vote of residents in Ada County who were not already served by a municipal library or public library district. The main Ada Community Library opened in SW Boise in 1989, the Star Branch Library in NW Ada County in January 1989, and the Hidden Springs Branch Library in a planned community north of Boise in October 2000. The library district joined the LYNX! Consortium in 1999, sharing an online library catalog, materials and services with other Treasure Valley and Magic Valley public libraries.
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