About Us:
Our homestead is located in beautiful Holmes county on the side of a hill creating a gardening challenge. We home educated our 4 children who are now young adults. I grow produce to sell at the Downtown Wooster Farmers Market Saturday mornings, the Local Roots Market and a small CSA. My friend at The Shepherd's Market and I also offer a Winter CSA and an Early Spring CSA for those who want fresh food in the dark days of winter. These are offered as bi-weekly CSA baskets. I have been marketing since 1995 when my youngest was 3 yrs. old. I took 4 toddlers & my produce in a small station wagon & tried to keep the peace and sell at the same time. My first customers were SO patient with us newcomers. The kids learned to serve by carrying bags and learned math and making change. I still only farm about an acre, but we have several high tunnels and raised beds to help extend our season of fresh greens and produce.
Though I am not certified organic, I grow according to organic, sustainable practices. I wanted our family to have fresh, nutritious vegetables without sprays. Our ground was an old depleted hayfield which has taken years to build up. I use natural inputs such as aged manure, green manure, chopped leaves, rock powders and compost. Fertilizers are kelp and seaweed sprays if needed. I use Bt spray for cabbage worms and may use 1% rotenone before blossoming if bean beetles are bad. I reuse permeable ground cover for some full season crops and thin disposable plastic mulch for onions and leeks that get overwhelmed by weeds.