Establish a small homesteading community that reflects our vision and values and that enables us to be of service, to realize our goals, to share our experiences, to influence others by example and education, and to link with similar local and global efforts.
We seek to build a more peaceful and sustainable world through our living example and through educating, in a creative and non-violent way, about the importance of ethical veganism, the benefits of veganic farming, and empowering others along the path to making the transition.
Creative Education
Democratic Governance
Ethical Veganism
Monastic Spirituality
About Us:
Ahimsa is an evolving vegan homestead and education center located near State College, PA. We seek to build a more peaceful and sustainable world through our living example and through education about the importance of a vegan diet, the benefits of veganic gardening, and empowering others along the path to making the transition. Our current activities focus on home-based food production including vegetables, fruits, nuts, mushrooms, and maple syrup. We are happy to host visitors, give tours, and work with small groups to host educational workshops centered on vegan living and eating.