Albert Gallatin North Middle School is part of the Albert Gallatin Area School District in southwestern Pennsylvania in Fayette County. We are located 7 miles west of Uniontown, PA in the village of McClellandtown, German Township. The southern end of the Albert Gallatin School District borders West Virginia. Pittsburgh is approximately 50 miles north of AG North and Morgantown, West Virginia is approximately 20 miles to the south.Our district is a large, rural area consisting of 144 square miles. The student population at Albert Gallatin School District is 4,180 with 500 students attending AG North. Our middle school houses grades sixth through eighth grades, provides modern, safe facilities and an excellent learning environment.
AG North has a Library/Media Center, a Computer Lab containing 25 personal computers, and a Distance Learning Lab with 30 computers and videoconferencing equipment. Each classroom has computers with Internet access available for use by students or the teachers as well as closed circuit television systems that are available for instructional use.As well as the core subject areas, our students have the opportunity to schedule elective classes in Art, Band, Computer Applications, Exploring Foreign Languages, Family and Consumer Sciences, Library Sciences, Music, Physical Education, Spanish and Technology Education.