About the Alliance for Historic Hillsborough:
The Alliance for Historic Hillsborough,fostering community partnerships that enhance Hillsborough's cultural and economic future while preserving our past.
Living in Hillsborough is not about isolating the past in a time capsule. It is about managing change; integrating the old and new in ways that improve the quality of life in our community; and maintaining the unique qualities that make Hillsborough such a great place to live, work and visit.
Through the years the seven organizations that make up the Alliance for Historic Hillsborough have worked to enhance a quality of life in Hillsborough that is defined by our vibrant neighborhoods, spectacular setting, lively downtown, and notable historic structures. With your support we have the opportunity to protect, re-use, and maintain the irreplacable historic legacy of past generations.
The Town of Hillsborough was established in 1754, two years after the formation of Orange County, where the Great Indian Trading Path crossed the Eno River. For many years Hillsborough was a leading town in its region of North Carolina and many significant historical events occured here.
There remain more than 100 late eighteenth and ninteenth century structures that illustrate this history. In addition, there are numerous secondary buildings, bridges, millsites and dams along the Eno, and Native American relics from the locations of ancient towns stretching back thousands of years.