Antelope Christian Center is a church filled with people of all ages. We come from a variety of ethnic backgrounds. We don't all fit the same mold; instead, we celebrate the unique way that God has created each one of us.
Antelope Christian Center has earned a reputation in recent years for its creative outreaches to the community. We've hidden Easter eggs on our church grounds, we've planted white crosses to remember victims of the Sept. 11th attacks, and we've consistently provided food to needy people in our community.
Our church is built on the premise that a local congregation should be focused around three central principles: the Word, outreach, and worship. The Word is the Bible - a book of life-changing truths that are as relevant today as they were thousands of years ago. Outreach is our way of expressing God's love in practical, tangible events and ministries. Worship is our expression of love for God, most often done through times of singing in our regular services.
Each week, our various ministries and programs provide opportunities for you to meet other people and develop strong, God-centered friendships. These ministries and programs are geared toward all age groups, and include people from a wide range of backgrounds and traditions.