Atonement's Mission Page
The mission report for October is more a request for prayer.
First, let's offer a prayer of thanks that Carrie Smart has safely returned from Argentina. She will give the congregation a full report of her yearlong mission on November 11th during worship. Carrie introduced us to the residents Sandra, Maxi and Osvaldo through her articles and we can certainly continue to keep them in our prayers (along with Fernando, the homes director.) Second, let's pray for God to reveal His will for us as we seek to be obedient to the great commission.
While it appears that our mission focus is at low ebb this fall, the month of September was actually filled with mission. We welcomed Latin American Lutheran missionaries on September 23rd and the Manna family on the 30th. The congregation provides on-going support to the Manna family through our budget as they live and serve in Kyiv, Ukraine. On Sept. 23rd a special offering for the LALM organization was collected. For those who missed their visit, please see the material on the table in the back of the sanctuary. Informational brochures are available along with information on how you can still donate. (If you are a member of Thrivent you can donate and LALM will receive a 50% match for your gift.)
Watch for information on future meetings about upcoming missions. I have had numerous people talk to me about their desire to participate in a future trip so I know God is working in hearts already. It feels like God might be directing us to participating in a short-term mission trip with Latin American Lutheran Missions. Several people have suggested two separate trips...one for adults during our winter months and a family/youth trip during the summer.
The need for LALM to have people willing to come and work was made clear to us when we visited with Pastor Erickson, Juan and Ulises. Pastor Ulises' church is literally falling apart - it's an adobe structure and they have begun to build a new church around the old church with the intent to continue to worship while the new one is being built. (They said it isn't unusual for it to take up to 10 years to complete a project because of the lack of funds and manpower.) Once the new structure is complete, they will tear down the old adobe church.
I have also had numerous people ask about how we can be intentional about doing mission on the 'home-front.' I deeply appreciate your comments and have been bringing them before our Lord in prayer. It's obvious that God is moving in the hearts of His church and together, we can answer that call. So please join me in simply praying for direction regarding our future steps. Above all, let's pray that our plans are in accordance with God's.
I welcome comments regarding where you think we are called to serve. We have set up a mission meeting on November 7th @ 8:00 PM and ask that those whose hearts are being moved to serve will come together to first pray, then plan.
In His service,
Our Missions ongoing...
Youth Ministry International
Atonement continues to support the spreading of the gospel in Unkraine through monthly giving to the missionary work of Mike and Judy Manna of Kiev, Ukraine. Mike and Judy are affiliated with Youth Ministry International in Louisville, Kentucky. In July of 2003 a 6-member team from Atonement made the long journey to assist them. If you are interested in learning about that trip (and the Manna's Ministry) click on the link below.
Click for the Mike Manna Web Site
A note from the Manna Family:
Thank you for your support of our ministry in Ukraine. We are missionaries with Youth Ministry International. Mike is the director of the National Center for Youth Ministry at Kiev Theological Seminary.